advantages and disadvantages of using a table and css formatting

It doesnt mean youll make the error, but more chances exist. Its is also much quicker to use tables, and hey, yeah, once in a while it is nice to be able to glance at your code in a wysywig and actually see what it looks like. No technique is designed to be used in isolation. Thats why theres more than one method in the post. I dont care what anybody says. Divs cant do what tables can as simple as that. Let me also add Im talking about using tables and nested tables for the entire layout of a site. If they want to tweak something in the design, again, piece of cake to do. As we add more to the pages design the table complexity continues to increase compared to divs. The separation of content and style makes it easier to adjust pages and styles. Personally I think until we get to the point where we can load a page before someone finishes clicking the link to that page theres room to improve. However please dont imply that css cant work for old sites or makes it more difficult to work on an existing table driven site. Then you can use divs inside your table. The greater flexibility you can create with your structure and the maintenance advantages are the more important reasons. There are SOME layouts that to use entirely CSS requires an inordinate amount of extremely messy code to represent. Nice presentation by the way. I learned by reading the book Eric Meyer on CSS. It looks promising and hopefully will be the way forward from now on, getting rid of both the ugly table and div mess once and for all Id be interested to know what you think of it. I come from a developer background and am now working as an SEO consultant (I know, Boooo and all that) so I am definately an advocate of divs and I have to disagree with: Search engines dont care one bit if the code behind your page uses tables or divs. Two common formats are: Key-Value pairs fast read and write but not optimized for lookup. With people employing a batch of various range of smart devices to access websites over the web, theres a requirement for responsive web design. (801) 636-5158. Im amazed that in 2013 people are still defending table-based layouts, but whatever. The comics are great. I need to write special code for IE? Its huge. There are a few downsides while using CSS. However, the industry moved on from them a long time ago. The load time though, is now reason enough to recommend css over tables for seo. The fact that different browsers and different versions of browsers look at these and other variables differently is a really pain. Once to understand the structure and another time to present it. Web designers needs to use few lines of programming for every page improving site speed. .Net has master pages and user controls which are ideal for repeating blocks of code. One example, is to have a banner across the top, a side banner down the left, with a background image that must align with the top banner in the corner, and then content within the area below the top banner and to the right of the side banner. But now not only is the solution more convoluted with containers i.e the complexity in code grows proportionally with the amount of columns compared to a simple table but we still dont really have equal length columns as its only the containers that are equal length and not the content/sidebar divs themselves. Again its probably not a huge difference either way at this point. The only way its faster is for updating, but if you read correctly, I style my tables with CSS tags (div, id, class) so I am just as quick. With the 4 methods youve got the only that really comes close is the last & it requires more code. I use Dreamweaver template files. Go to Table Properties > Row > Enter a value in the Specify height box. Is there a way I can pay someone to turn this same homepage design into a total CSS design? You can do that regardless of how you structure your layout. Why does it matter how divs are rendered as long as the document written with strong conventions and good semantics? John all 3 of the sites you list can definitely be developed using css for the layout instead of tables. Cmon man! Im glad your process works for you, but that doesnt change my opinion. misinformation spreads on both sides of this debate,,,,, Establishing Stability In 2021 After A Chaotic 2020, My Goals For 2020This Object In Motion Wants To Keep Moving, 2019 Goals ReviewAn Unexpected Change Of Plans Taught Me A Lot, Happy ThanksgivingWindow Displays, MOMA, and Central Park Images, ReviewThe Elements Of Logo Design: Design Thinking, Branding, and Making Marks. Learning to layout an entire site with divs and css is the hardest part, but I promise itll be worth it. I thought my question BTW why css layout over table layout' was clear from the context but apparently not. I still dont see where Im hyping anything. And heres what Im referring to you saying in your post: The problem most people have when learning to use divs is trying to force them to act like tables instead of allowing them to be what they are.. I dont think search engines really care if you use tables or css for the layout. Thats not the case. I think grids are great, but I dont think you should create them using html tables for the reasons I mentioned in this post. Cant be done, we have faux columns but thats really just green screen trickery in doing so. Hi Jennifer. Could you send me a link to the page? Using css to layout a site is the most difficult part, but it does come together with a little practice. Maybe its not feasible in your case, but it might be worth looking into. The web developers need to test for compatibility, running the program across multiple browsers. Learning at write CSS layouts can be tricky, especially if you become familiar with usage tables, but here's why CSS is your best programming bet. I make a change to the template file and boom, it changes on all pages. Wish me luck. Proving that the css layout loads 10ms faster (20ms when I just ran the test on your site) doesnt exactly endorse using tables instead? As for the I dont need any extra code to get stuff to work for ie when using divs and css, really is that so? If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail: W3Schools is optimized for learning and training. They use less code. Most of the time though, that relationship wont be 1:1. I did say calling this css vs tables isnt really correct and that its really about tables and divs. Luckily, modern sites have actually become pretty basic. WebJavaScript advantages Fast speed: JavaScript is executed on the client side thats why it is very fast. Where layout is concerned though, I think the cons of using tables outweigh the pros and so favor using css. All you really need to do float the customer service phone number and search form to the right. IE sucks and makes my page look a pile of crap. Ive linked to this article in a post as part of a project Im doing on web design styles. If you need a table that should span the entire screen (full-width), add width: 100% to the Again I do agree that grid shape is a good one. You have to be writing code telling specifically telling them not to reflow. While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our. Id have to see the css youre using to understand why youre having problems. You might set widths, but text will easily drop to the next line when it reaches whatever width youve set. That you had a problems on a site you were developing doesnt mean my tutorials arent accurate. Tables seem, at least to me, to be much more intuitive. more flexible since one div is not dependent on the other divs on the page it allows for more freedom in your design, quicker to load blocks of code can be presented right away instead of the browser requiring an extra pass. By understanding what each layout method is designed for you'll be in a good position to understand which method is Of course see load times above which now seem to be one signal Google looks at. Same thing with the issue youre having with css. I disagree with you that both are techniques with little distinction. If I throw out a website which has no padding or un symetrial or miss-aligned text I would be asked to start over. 2)Less code?No.Comparably,table-based websites are having much less lines of code to write.Because,you are also writing the CSS,and its always not one file.So,code is much much less. I can bring myself to use tables, but css severly restricts my deisgns because of cross-browser compatibility. I think, though I havent used them in years, that tables are far superior for site maintenance in that you do not have to adjust sizes, just add or take away a table cell. CSS, CSS 2, CSS 3 are often quite confusing. It permits online videos to be seen without using third-party plug-ins. Odds are though they would look at every data point they could so I would think a slower server would mean potentially worse ranking. I believe many developers only read do not use tables, missing the later half of the sentence for layouts. 7. point: tables So does laying out a site with tables. Im going to remain open minded and give CSS a chance! If you get where Im coming from, please help me understand using logic. I think you hit the nail right on the head with this comment. The thing is, its not easier because youre using tables. Q&A for work. It wasnt my intention. Ive done that for people before. The main advantage of CSS is that style is applied consistently across variety of sites. There is no format to follow for teaching the aesthetics of style most people, though, can- recognise something that follows a classical design. Ive never read about this debate until now, however in the back of my mind I always knew someone(s) was debating it. WebDisadvantages of tables. WebSome of the advantages and disadvantages of database forms are as follows: Advantages Data entry is less error-prone A number of predefined formats are available for use Usually, all the data fields for a single record appears in one screen Forms are customizable (compared to data sheet views) Forms can include instructions for data entry Much of using css for layout is realizing that you dont need to do as much as you think. Table cells are dependent on the table, and the rows and other cells in the table. plays an important role, by using CSS you simply got to specify a repeated style for element once & use it I have a business subscription with them. For Row height is select Exactly from the dropdown. I do think css is the better option, but feel free to develop sites any way you want. This is no small drawback!! If you ever visited a page that showed nothing for a few seconds before everything suddenly appeared, that time was likely your browser making its first pass over the table structure behind the page. Early on you had to use tables to layout a site well. 1. 5) Greater Consistency If you use template files and CSS, where is there inconsistency? I really resented (and it sounds like many of you do too) all the time I had to spend to get a site to look as it was intended for ALL users. It helps us to determine the changes within the position of web elements who are there on the page. Sometimes they write for things called tabloids, or articles of paragraphs arranged in tabular form. A div-based layout is: That might not seem like a lot, but just those three things are enough to make a div based approach better to a table based approach. WebMoreover, an externally linked CSS file, once loaded the first time, does not have to be reloaded and re-read on every page. The order and nesting of the divs matters. Its really about 5 -10 minutes work to set up. If youre asking about the former then Id say go ahead and use a table when youre presenting data in columns and rows. With divs its just guessing, maybe this will work. It might be a few days before I can get to it, but I will take a look. You make the assumption that because it takes you 5 hours to develop a layout in css that its the same for other people. Theres really no reason in my opinion to use floats on a horizontal list when the goal is to have the list elements cooperate rather than be independent blocks whose widths are determined by content and padding. I look forward to the day when a page renders the same way in all browsers for specific CSS statements. It has the power for re-positioning. A 10 MS difference is meaningless.

: Get certifiedby completinga course today! Im not trying to be political, but when Obama kept repeating change a hundred times a day during his campaign I questioned it because change is not the same as progress. I will need to learn more about how to use cssdiv to do a page layout. What css function does that? 4) Separation of Style and Content I guess this one is related #1, ease of updating? 3. How is that more maintainable? It sounds like Im being lumped in with other people who are making grand claims. WebUsing CSS tableless design will provide your website visitors better usability and accessibility, faster page load times with greater, more elegant design possibilities. Nice article. Regarding Google using load times, does that mean that if your server is on a lower bandwidth connection, or on a slower server that Google will hold that against you, or do they have a way of disregarding those variables and just base it on how long each page would take to load if bandwidth, lag and server response were constant? CSS instructs the display of the HTML on how the web site will display at the users end. Home. WebUsing tables for layout means that changing the corporate layout will in fact mean changing every single page. Every table cell is dependent on the other table cells in its row to maintain the structure. This post isnt a tutorial so I would need to know which one or ones youre referring to as well. In theory, CSS is the answer, the problem is that the way browsers deal with SOME of it is not only not standardized, but can actually have the exact opposite result for example position: absolute can cause a column to move to the left in one browser and cause it to move down in another, and cause it to move up in yet another. Thats actually where the hype is. CSS (divs) is hard to learn Simply not true. How to Play and Pause CSS Animations using CSS Custom Properties ? As people combat these myths the debate goes on and on combating misinformation while dancing around the central issue. Even though I think css is the better way, Ive seen some very poor and slow loading css driven sites and some pretty well coded and quick table driven sites. Its now moving on from the CSS methods that replaced tables and using CSS thats being written specifically to lay out sites. One of the debates that never seems to go away in the web development community is that of css vs tables and which is better to use for the layout of your site. I agree with using divs and css to display content for what I think is a pretty simple reason if I want to change the look of my site I can write a new style sheet using the same div IDs and the site is suddenly completely different. All the pro-css designers Ive ever worked with have tended to be full of shit, constantly creating new display bugs in production. Both were done with tables. The pros and cons are supposed to be regarding the setting up of grid layouts using display:table. Tables should be used when a bunch of blocks need to depend on each other, like maintain the same height, or to cooperate in filling their parents width. With CSS, what works with one browser might not always work with another. Theyre interested in your content. Calm down. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. He takes a layout done in tables and works to change it to divs and css. That should tell you something. I honestly dont care what they call it.. as long as it still works like tables. Heavy image use and Flash still seem to be the biggest factors in speed. And that, in my view, should be the only thing that qualifies you to comment on the number of passes the browser makes when rendering a page. because both the table and the
and elements have separate borders. You said I made overhyped performance claims, which I didnt. I believe Whats best in a given scenario depends mostly on the skill set of the person doing the job. I speak English fluently. Also if you include the wrapper tags and the like you tend to end up with more tags for css than tables beause of all the work arounds you have to do. I do understand your point. I had not heard about this controversy, being a WYSIWYG kind of guy. Granted, CSS loads faster and for big websites is easier to maintain for large websites, but after trying to convert the newindex1 page from tables to CSS, Im having a very hard time understanding why CSS is better for small websites. Sorry I didnt reply sooner John. It only suggests that the difference in load time isnt a lot per page. Very amusing. It was difficult (and very confusing) at the start, but Im now completely clear on why its a better approach. I agree that there will always be some people that cling on to tables, but I dont think we will have to suffer too much for much longer. Choosing the right storage format is crucial as it affects your disks Examples might be simplified to improve reading and learning. It is less complex therefore the effort are significantly reduced. # 1, ease of updating calling this css vs tables isnt correct! As it affects your disks examples might be a few days before i can to! Comes close is the last & it requires more code the thing is its. Reason enough to recommend css over tables for the entire layout of a project doing! Two common formats are: Key-Value pairs fast read and accepted our and the maintenance advantages are the important... Btw why css layout over table layout ' was clear from the dropdown speed... Set up, missing the later half of the sites you list can definitely be developed css... 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advantages and disadvantages of using a table and css formatting

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