hfy classics

Asshole. Click here for legal information.If you are under the age of 18, Happy for You. It's better than my writing projects by far. Something Ive never seen since I first started wandering around all these stations Jenkins said. Pretty sure the reveal was done by the original author. It would require an amendment to the Galactic Treaty of Laws, he said Which the council is historically stubborn to tamper with. What good is sanity when faced with crushing loneliness anyways? The captain of Supremacy ordered the shields raised and a warning shot fired. please leave this site immediately. Fuck yeah! Keep it up! A new HFY thread, almost no copy paste, a few new stories, and an interesting Veil of Madness continuation. OP with his merry band of ragtag rank 2 IG takes on Deathwatch 'Crons and wins like a baus. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) Good ol' veil of madness. A HFY thread with the rarest of things, original stories rather than just reposting and memes. https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/ The Descent by Kevin MacLeodLink: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4490-the-descentLicense: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license This one will take the place of my usual weekly upload of Those Days With The Monsters because I've been unable to record audio this week due to illness :( I had the audio files for this already made so I edited them down, no pick ups were possible and I had to get creative at points! The wiki includes author and reader resources, guides, story listings, and author/series pages. to the breakdown of the Roman empire in Late . Heh, it was a fun challenge. And I just happen to arrive on the very day that the sub is spoiled with the long-awaited third installment? Though I would love to say I chose this username specifically for these posts, my account is much older than the past two week in which I started posting this, so nope! It was, as far as I could track back, originally posted as two parts, the second of which I will post tomorrow. Your story telling is very good. I'll look at it again tomorrow when I'm on a computer and not on a phone. On the news, his eye had still been swollen and ugly, much of his flesh had darkened and bruised from minor haemorrhaging, and he had been wincing with pain every time he drew breath. They gave me a splitting headache from across the room.. Rather than answer the mystery of where they had come from, they had historically preferred to tell stories and then convince themselves that the stories were true. A few inspired quite intense emotions in me. He never told me why he asked to have his social implant removed, and why he went back to Earth. This was one of my favorite stories that led me to find /r/HFY I didn't know it spawned a bunch of extra stories in the same world here. Jenkins nodded, and our implants eventually decided that he meant that a prediction had come true. I just saw that Spellgun was on royalroad.com as a top read fiction earlier today. Free shipping for many products! After years of contact, most alien races know almost nothing about humans other than exaggerated horror stories; they rarely bother us, and the ones that do never return home. Clank partakes in a tournament and the crew meets the red and blue sisters. Despite its lack of height, it had strapped a pack to its torso that looked larger and heavier than I could have comfortably carried. David picks through the wreckage of his spectacular dogfight, kills yet more Wraiths and Demons, and has a not so restful sleep. Barely tall enough to see over the top of my customs desk, in fact. The station displaced into the Earth system five eight-diurnals after the mission was announced, using the bulk of a large ringed gas world known as Saturn to mask the neutrino burst of its arrival. The UTA, United Terran Alliance, controlled over 87% of mankind's colonies from its seat of power on Earth. A civilian fleet set out to make contact with Earth in the hopes of peacefully talking them down from this religion. One second, let me go pinch myself. It would show up on the record and negatively impact my next performance evaluation. There was a grim tearing noise, and the Hunters leg came away. Better a duplicate than missing something this good! Apt, I said. They didnt evolve to merely overcome adversitythey evolved to thrive on it. Ditto. Strong enough to rip the leg off a Hunter and beat another Hunter to death with it, he said. New to HFY? When I interviewed him, the swelling had gone down and the pain in his breath had gone away. I just spent the last couple hours reading this series so far (assuming it was one that finished years ago), looked for part three and it was posted this fucking week? David takes care of some pirates, recruits a cabinboy, a robot and the best girl. There is a guy on SB who claims to be the original author to this. The idea of the suicide bomber was alarming, and caused something of a stir when it was presented to the committee for interstellar security, who called an emergency session to think up means by which such an insane tactic could be countered. Having them turn out to be just a misunderstood and lonely people in the cosmos, who had war declared on them and decided to play up the predator perk for intimidation, and then ending the conflict with a peace treaty instead of Total Defeat of Big Bad Guys would make for a much more fitting conclusion to the story. One ignored me and kept firing at Jenkins, but he was so fast, so small, and the rounds smacked into the deck plating around him. More great storytelling, thanks again for writing it! They were remarkably primitive compared to our own, and much smaller. He refused to be drawn on the subject of religion, instead preferring to compensate for the gaps in Jenkins and Charlottes knowledge regarding that region of their planet. Because if you dont, you wont be ready for us. He said. Vedreg slowly went bluer and bluer until suddenly he erupted. It staggered, collided with its comrade and fell. Your Superman sounds like Tvnndrkktktk, who defended his tribe from a pack of predators for a year without sleeping., Or Gudruvgnagnut, who grew so large that his tribe could shelter beneath him from the year-storm, said Vedreg. The incident prompted the council to do two things: first they passed an amendment to the Treaty that allowed for a species to be declared sentient if it had developed calculus, rather than interplanetary FTL, though the Contact Prohibition would remain in effect until the species went interplanetary. Up until that point, I had been struggling to reconcile the artistic power of these beings, and the nobility of their heroic visions of themselves, with the relentless delusion and grinding unpleasantness enacted in its name that played out before me. I filed this away as a rebuttal for the next officer to approach me on the subject. It was only when I encountered the idea of the tortured poet that things started to fall into place. Here you go: https://imgur.com/gallery/2Q59t. ago u/mishdaddy. The second Hunter snap-fired and Jenkins dropped the gun as the shot winged him. Hope you enjoy my narration of it. /tg/ talks about science and gawks at each other's cool shit. I hope I am not interrupting, Lawyer Vedregnenug? I asked. There's a reason this universe you've created is the second-highest ranking post in the entire subreddit. You can find their music here:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCliumcKpyD4wSPGsfSCd0Jwhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC19SB4ExQCZLAlKa65vmoVgThis video comes instead of my 1000 sub video, which I want to take a bit more time on the edit. My species refer to ourselves as Human. Our homeworld is a category twelve temperate at co, I interrupted him. Edit: Well shitshould have kept his mouth shut. I began to suspect, however, that Jenkins had not been entirely fair about his own species. It shrieked and flailed, swatting the human with its hindlimbs. In hindsight, I really should have expected that Jenkins would have attracted a journalists attention. A group of anons come together to ask the question 'What if mankind invaded and conquered hell', including world-building and a full comic. He was quite correct and that status made properly navigating him through the immigration paperwork impossible. In time we studied the technology of the more advanced dead races, gleaming a scientific secret or two we had missed. HFY. Its only a matter of time before your colleagues in security prosecute me for vagrancy, he said. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible. I agree that they are frustrating and that they make the site a pain to use for mobile users. I'm a month late to this party but I never thought I'd see a post titled "Prey III." In fact the entire race seemed insane. Found Prey I around 1am. The Supremacy blew away a single craft to secure its escape victor; a sad but necessary tactic. There were three more behind it and I ducked into cover next to the human as their return fire threatened to overwhelm my defenses. Do you know when the next part may be coming? One of his eyes had swollen and was turning a dark red-purple. Small, but powerful and dense-seeming. We would later piece together what happened, and it went something like this. While judging any species by the aesthetic values of your own species doesnt make a lot of sense, Hunters were ugly. By how easily they broke. Two royalty free songs from Kevin Macleod have been used, albeit slightly edited to loop them.Man Down by Kevin MacLeod. Humanity had become the bogeymen of the universe. It's an amazing universe with engaging characters, an incredible backstory, and fantastic writing. I cant believe it lives! Him. This, and quarantine, both of which I found elsewhere, led me to HFY. HFY. David and Gron go hunting for a lost crewmember, but encounter trouble almost immediately. An original story written, and granted. Tales of the titanic black ship that came from beyond the veil, sent out signals in a horrid dark language, obliterated dozens of the Kondar's finest warships in seconds for no reason, and then vanished like a ghost soon spread everywhere. ;), This was fantastic like always. Star Wars x Humanity Fuck Yeah= Technological Debate, What starts as a scenario where our first contact with aliens is an old broadcast of Return of the Jedi, /tg/ discusses what Humanity could have made between the time the aliens receive the signal and what the aliens reaction would be. So excited to see this. The last thing the station did before activating this field was to spit two probes that embedded themselves in Earths lone, large moon so as to snoop on the human races communications networks and forward the information to us on the observatory. Jenkins later explained to me that Charlotte had praised what she saw as a war between her own religion against another, rival one. You had to, didn't you? This was then followed by the angry growl of a hull breach alarm, but oddly not the decompression alarm. By the time they get there, the dudes are all dead but the power armor systems take over and the wreck shit anyway. My social implant tentatively suggested that Jenkins body language communicated tired endurance. David and SHODAN raid their own ships and do a little hacking. They arenot crazy. I was genuinely thinking about this earlier today. This act somehow convinced this God thing to forgive them and be nice to humanity so long as they devoted considerable time and effort to telling it how great it was. The Demonsa loan-word that had filled a conceptual gap we had never been aware ofthat tormented humanity were what inspired it. Its blood sprayed thick and fat through the air, coating the man from the death world but he ignored it. That was amazing. Why not have the implant removed and return to your homeworld?, Because Id never be able to keep the secret, and so the Office for the Preservation of Indigenous Species wont let me, he said. I guess I missed the notification, but this time I remembered the name. Ugh. That's not to say I'm against what you're doing. Literally just found this sub today and spent and read all of the first two and was so sad that I couldn't find out what happens next, and then boom it's there on my front page. Please, please, pleeeeeease don't make Rashan into the monsters they appear to be so far. I just found this sub literally today (off a wonderful relevant post in /r/tumblr), and Prey/II got me hooked instantly. Turns out we were all a little crazy to start with. Join me in the love of old Hollywood movies from the Silents to the 60's. The Supremacy blew away a single craft to secure its escape victor, Every attempt to convince people that we wanted fair negations, [Text] No beast more savage than man, when possessed with power answerable to his rage, [Text] The galaxy holds many wonders, and I am proud to have met one of them, For every Hyoo-mahn life cut short, a world dies. Lets hope you dont have to wait for another part as long as I did. I saw Jenkins sway with the motion and remain upright, despite the fact that he was balanced precariously on only two legs. I had been retired from the customs and immigration desk on the docking ring while my injuries were repaired, and instead had spent much of the last three groups of eight standard diurnals dealing with the paperwork and investigative work that had followed the Hunter attack. You will find documentary verification of that fact on this data storage.. You may be pleasantly surprised by the resolution to that content. I had to agree, as I fired a few suppressing shots around the corner. The Corti abducted you, didnt they?. This is a fantastic return. They were barely beyond the Stone Age, farming and agriculture still in its early days. One of the longer videos I've ever made :)#HumansAreSpaceOrks #Reddit #Narration He told us of the myth he had grown up being told was real. But you were fearless when those Hunters were shooting you! I exclaimed. A story that's all about "predators and prey aren't all that different, after all" shouldn't have villains that are the stereotypical eat-you-all predators. Frankly, you deserve all the gold and virgins for continuing this story 2 years down the line! I saw that one of his teeth was missing. Excuse me while I go read. As an FYI, full page ads inescapable ad on your site means I can't read it. P.s. Youre wearing the symbol of thisthis masochism on your arm and you dont know why your people believe it?, I know why I believed it, Jenkins said. Legit gasped when I got the notification, I have been excited for this for a long time. Thank you for writing this. Mounted on a trio of boom arms well out from the main body of the station, it provided the higher gravity their species was used to, as well as a warmer, denser, more humid atmosphere. The Hunters trotted round the corner, eerily silentnobody had ever heard them communicate verbally. I'm getting a 502 error, which might mean there are so many of us flocking to that page that it's overloading the server! Technically, as a member of a pre-interplanetary species, I am a non-sentient specimen of indigenous fauna and therefore cannot be legally employed or own property., I indicated my understanding by noddinganother gesture our body language shared in commonand raising the fur at the nape of my neck. They are not only willing to die in the name of a fiction, they will do so gladly and eagerly. Welcome back! ; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. Now, twenty diurnals after the attack, there was just some greenish discolouration to show that he had ever been injured. I need more.I gotta have more.. Short jaunts were safe enough, but more than that and permanent damage to the mind would result. Then I realised I was treating this man who had saved my life as if he was a threat that I needed to figure out how to kill and suppressed a flash of shame. Kirk! he exclaimed. Why would they do that? I asked, to make conversation as I prepared the official forms. Thank you. Paradigm, I fucking love this shit. And humans believe that this is the real way in which the history of your species unfolded?. He didnt seem to noticeinstead he pounced and a second shot barely missed him before his forepaw lashed out, balled up into a hard knot of gravity-densened bone and flesh which he drove into the Hunters eye cluster. They saw me coming but I put three rounds into one and its shield failed against the third. What was it about? I was interrupted by an alarm. It was a simple designone long line, crossed by a shorter one. They had disobeyed him, and been punished. Id love a chapter following the Rashans point of view and revealing what there true motives are and what they really think of all the prey species and their new competition. Progress is all we need if the progress is this fantastic. Raids from pirate groups further cemented our dark reputation, and in time we came to work with the role. They need something to fight. ? he demanded. Most other species suspected that their sense of empathy had atrophied as a side-effect of the campaign to make themselves smarter. He and Bug are commanded by. Prepare to be disappointed. Indeed it is! The security footage records you being shot seven times by heavy pulse gun fire and you have fully healed in less than three-times-eight diurnals, I said. The image can safely be downscaled to reduce file size, without any noticeable changes on most screens. Purveyor Jenkins and I were discussing his petition to have his species reclassified as sentient.. Commands the dreadnought Flashing Hooves. Interestingly, these two first stories spawned a series of stories written on this very subreddit, to which I'll link at the end of the last part. Much of the headthe top, around the ears, and down under and around the mouth and nosewas covered in short, coarse fur of a brownish hue, apart from where this had been shaved in front of the ear to accept a cybernetic of some description. Humanity Fuck Yeah! Theyre both products of the same religious root anyway!. Species after species had killed each other and themselves off for one reason or another. As far as I can tell, it was originally posted by an anonymous author on 4chan's /tg/ board on 23-02-10. The following story is one of the true genre-defining classics. We considered making contact, but in the end decided against it. None of them are except this one, the other stories in this universe were all written by other people, none of whom had permission from the person who wrote this. Sheathed in a stealth field that bent all electromagnetic radiation around itself, and using centripetal spin rather than generated gravity, it was designed to go completely undetected. If they took us alive, we would be food. I havent slept in two standard Diurnals.. The music in the background is a slowed track by goodfriends of mine, Celeste by Darcho \u0026 186. This will probably gonna get buried in the comments and I dont know how much you are using modern military stuff for inspiration for the combat scenes but there is one part I would recommend a change. Any link not otherwise associated with an OC post must have a summary or similar descriptor of at least 350 characters, providing relevant OC information. Harpers Ferry (Amtrak station code; Harpers Ferry, WV) HFY. How strong are you, Purveyor Jenkins?, Jenkins shrugged. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Profanity A comedy. Then it took a second. So happy to see this continued! It's a tossup between Lords of War, Veil of Madness and Gremlins for my favorite HFY setting. Every attempt to convince people that we wanted fair negations was seen as a deception. I assure you officer, I am not mocking the immigration system. But always they were all dead, down to the last child. The twin patches of fur above his eyes creased inwards and downwardsmy translator informed me that this emotion had no equivalent in my species. Threatened to overwhelm my defenses there is a slowed track by goodfriends mine. Oddly not the decompression alarm merely overcome adversitythey evolved to thrive on.! When the next officer to approach me on the record and negatively impact next... 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hfy classics