ib mathematics: applications and interpretation pdf

This chapter revises and extends topics that may have been introduced in earlier years. Suppose the interest rate is 6% per year and the inflation rate is 2% per year. Although we will introduce the idea of piecewise models in this section, piecewise models are not limited to polynomial functions. . (b) What is the ratio of the surface area of the cone to that of the sphere? Thus, the amount of the gift should be 1 Present value = | o 20000 095 dt ~ 134726 19. All DP mathematics courses serve to accommodate the range of needs, interests and abilities of students, and to fulfill the requirements of various university and career aspirations. 8 m = log,m= log, b log,m log, b ,foranya>0 Example 1.9 Lets revisit Example 1.8, but this time we'll use the first rule of logarithms. If we write this out in full we get 5 S2=2+2+2+2+2=5X2=10 = In general, if we sum a constant # times then we can write " Sk=k+k+..+k=nXk=nk = Suppose we have the sum of a constant times i. Therefore, assuming the population growth remains constant, the formula can be used to calculate P for any value of . Width Length 44 43 45 48 52 43 46 50 102 99 103 111 119 100 106 114 (mm) Table 19.15 (mm) Data for question 5 6. Area of a sector As in section 5.1, the area of a sector is a fraction of the area of the entire circle (a pizza slice). In general, suppose that the values of a particular independent variable, for example, x, determine the values of a dependent variable y in such a way that for a specific value of x, a single value of y is determined. Humanism sees mathematics as part of human culture and human history. is a function that is defined ona sequence of intervals. & 316, Yes since this is more than the price to be paid. For students taking their exams in 2021 there is a big change to the IB syllabus there will now be 4 possible strands: IB HL Analysis and Approaches, IB SL Analysis and Approaches, IB HL Applications and Interpretations, IB SL Applications and Interpretations. (b) Find the difference in height between low tide and high tide. Therefore, the cubic model for this turbine is P =0.297AdV? y 7. (b) 8memhr! As the value of x increases, the value of y also increases and there is no limit on how largey can become. ), then we can calculate the relative loudness in decibels, 1, using the formula nes) = lologm( 10:2) The number 10~!2in the formula represents the threshold of human hearing. Determine the gradient of each line and state the gradient of a line perpendicular to it. Remember what the mean value of a function is and considering b = 12 and a = 1, then the mean temperature is modelled by s Tll J} oo, We use Trap. Features Lep flo= 203t = 5 hal. The full criteria for passing the IB DP are set out below and students need to be aware that a score of 24 points will not always guarantee a pass. A rope of length 81 metres is cut into n pieces of increasing lengths that form an arithmetic sequence with a common difference of d metres. Determine if each pair of lines is parallel, coincident, or intersecting. (b) Explain why f does not have an inverse function. The relationship between two quantities how the value of one quantity depends on the value of another quantity - is the key behind the concept of a function. Then the trigonometric functions can be defined as sing=y cosf=x %, tnf=2 x#0 Now we consider angles in other quadrants, like the other three angles that are 45 from an axis: 135, 225, and 315. Since can be anything in the interval [0, 300], scale the x-axis accordingly and then use the GDC Zero tool to find the value of for which T'= 0 Now we just need to interpret the results. Find the general solution of (x> y? A parallel AC circuit has two loops. .v v - Ve - 21 ~ o2t 5t 553 =3 With both eigenvalues negative, the curves move - i L o L Yuir = Yu T H(10x, = Ty, = Lo W 55 = eson g5 34 200 55 -0 085 =3 3 8ss 3\- {xz 12 n=127 ~ . Incidentally, if we wish to verify the calculations of the expected values, we can look into matrix B. Ifyou havea 2 X 2 contingency table, there is only 1 degree of freedom. (c) Write down the value of c. (d) Write down the interval of time during which the temperature is increasing from 4C to 2C. (a) Q(f) = CV(1 e~1) Q) Q1) = CV(1 e~k (c) (i) equilibrium is lower and is approached more rapidly (i) equilibrium is higher (iif) equilibrium stays the same but is approached g o rapidly 14 @) A= k=95 7= 54 (1, e = 12 4 33-015 (b) 12+ 3305t = 0 =5 = 112133 7%~ 67 hours. 899 Theory of knowledge Here is an example of applied mathematics at work. Suppose that the lifeguard is at the point L(0, 0) and a swimmer in distress is at the point (300, 50) (distances in metres). Find: (a) & T (b) the value of cosx for which d_i =0 18. Use your graphing application to generate a graph of y = sin(x ). An investment is valuable until R'x) = C'(x) since beyond that point, the marginal cost will be more than the revenue. 127 Geometry and trigonometry 2 5. 1. log,(m-n) =log,m + log,n 2 logb(%) = log,m log,n 3. log,(m") = n-log,m 4. log,1=0 5. Shape RST has a right angle at T, with .S :36,t:14cmandr:6cm. Its part of culture, its part of history, its like law, like religion, like money, like all those very real things, which are real only as part of collective human consciousness. (c) Are these roots the negative of the roots of v i? (a) Show that the 110th term is 8926. Allother images Pearson Education Tim Garry To Penny Jim Nakamoto Ihave inexpresibl gratitude and apprecation for my i uli who has supported me and our Jaily as ook o this second job. He makes his first deposit at the end of the first year after taking out the loan. (a) 0.78% (b) 63.93% () (a) 0.01% (b) 0.00% (c) 5. (a) 2m 4. . If we use (1)X, then the first term will be negative, hence we can use (1)**! The origin is an asymptotically stable focus, also known as a spiral sink. Using the symmetry shown in Figure 5.19, we can then evaluate the values for the other three angles: 140 sin (135) = Q sin (225) = 7 sin (315) = = cos(135) = -22 cos (2259 = Y22 cos (3157 = 422 tan(135) = 1 tan(225) = 1 tan (315) = 1 2 2 Note that whether the value ofa trigonometric function for a given angle is positive or negative depends on which quadrant the terminal side of theangle ~ isin, because the signs ofx; y, or- change in each quadrant. () y = evsin2x (f) y=(2 1InGx 13. Here, the symbol is the Greek capital letter sigma. 0o 261 PP g = 50, Sokt = k=1 S =1023 3 = 1125899906 842 623 100 2100 1 = s Mabt= T 1267 650 600 228 229 401 496 703 205 375 We observe that as the number of terms in the partial sum increases, the sum also x increases. statistic (d) determine at the level of significance of a = 0.05 whether or not the achievement level distributions and the groups of students are independent. An experiment was undertaken to investigate the relationship between the length of a spring and the mass hanging from it. 2k 3] = g = 1 )T 5= X0 =AYy =02 13 Since the domain of gis x ] oc, 0], then the range of g~! 84 x S22 l=14+2+4+8+16+ k=1 We can calculate the partial sums for 10, 50 and 100 terms. As shown in Figure 5.11, when 6= 1, then arc length = radius. ~ 10220 | \ w.L:zfn (xjx))deZLxdx*Zjl;x)dx :lZJ;f(x)dx | Itis enough to estimate | f(x)dx, multiply by 2 and then subtract from 1. Use the rules of exponents to write each of the following in the form 27, wheren Z. 340 = SeL 1+Ce C, k> 0 where Lis the limiting value; the function has a horizontal asymptoteat y = L Cdetermines the horizontal position of the growth part of the curve, such that for 0 0 This produces an interesting graph, shown in Figure 9.44. We are told that the test is 99% accurate so, of the 100 cases of the disease the test would show positive in 99 cases and negative in one. Solution Since the arc measures 150, we use that fraction of the circumference: Figure 5.5 Diagram for Example 5.3 L 150 =0Qq 360(2 57 X 3) 3)i= = > =7 7.85m (3 s.f) 1. are inverses by showing that: Af ') = xand f(fin) = x L = r faxt2)=a(ter2)-s=xt8-8=x f(4xs>:i(4x8>+2:x2+2:x This confirms thaty = 4x 8 andy = ix + 2 are inverses of each other. The methods mathematics teaching you have experienced reflects a Platonist or constructivist view of mathematics? B A Figure 4.12 Cuboid room A room is a cuboid with every pair of opposite faces parallel, and intersecting faces, perpendicular. We can see some evidence of that here, RS RRERERRE mine Figure 19.36 GDC screens for the solution to Example 19.12 821 Bivariate analysis (c) The initial velocity, when the rocket is launched, is vy = 46.4ms~'. 13" 2 27. 12. ) So you can get to the nth term by adding d to a,, (n 1) times. Theoretically, of course! You may also see two different options for the least-squares regression line: y=mx + band y=a+bx Mathematically, they are identical, but be careful to interpret them correctly: in the first, m represents the gradient and b represents the y-intercept. Given that log,y = 4log,x, find all the possible expressions ofy as a function of x. 50 7. The first term of an arithmetic sequence is 2 and the 30th term is 147. So this expression means the sum of all the terms a; where i takes the values from 1 to k. We can u also write _a; to mean the sum of the terms @, where i takes the values from =m m to n. In such a sum, m is called the lower limit and the upper limit. A 6 Q resistor and 8 Q) inductor are in the first loop, and a 6 Q) resistor and a 3 Q capacitor are in the second loop. 110 =b sinB Example 4.11 In the triangle ABC, A =42,a=6cm,and B = 63 Find: (a) angle C (b) side b (c) side c. I Solution Note that one angle and its opposite side are known, and that a second angle is also given. Example 2.4 The activity, a becquerels (Bq), of a radioactive substance can be modelled by the function a(t) = %, t= 0, where is the time in days. 0.2 189 (b) Calculate the value of Pearsons r and interpret it in context. (c) Show that the length of string, Scm, required to tie up the parcel can be written as s=40+4w+3% o0 However, the function % is differentiable for x < 0 too. (c) The temperature of the sun is 9941F. 1 6. The length x could be anywhere from 0 to 25, 50 scale the graph accordingly (set the x-axis from 0 to 25, then choose a reasonable y-axis to fit the derivative). Note that the domain of fis x > 0 and its range isy R 1234567 8% Figure 2.10 The graph of fix) =logsx, x>0 It is tempting to think that the graph has a horizontal asymptote, but this is not the case. Take representations of L 2.3 fractions. where Pis the power in watts A is the area swept by the turbine blades (swept area), in m? 1356 Geometry and trigonometry 2 In questions 1-9, convert each angle to radians. o 012345678910% Day Figure 9.38 The logistic model found by a GDC for the student example 339 Modelling real-life phenomena To help us determine C and k, it is helpful to realise that the logistic curve has rotational symmetry around a point with y-coordinate equal to y = % (this point is also a point of inflection). This makes sense, because as we sell more and more tickets, we could reduce the price per ticket. The angstrom (A) is a unit of length equal to one ten-billionth of a metre. (a) the largest empty circle (LEC) must be centred on a (b) All vertices in the diagram are adjacent to cell K and 4@ 2+i vertex (15, 8) is the vertex farthest from site K, therefore it must be the centre of the largest empty circle. Give your answer correct to the nearest minute. On a certain area of a golf course, a lawn sprinkler is set to spray an arc of 150 with a maximum spray Figure 5.2 The parts ofa circle distance of 3 metres (Figure 5.3). Shop A: 18.77 2 4 . cos(3+?) anay=dn D& ap=a,+n1d For the sequence 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, , find: (a) aformula for the nth term (b) the 50th term. This requires a more abstract and conceptual understanding and it is recommended to students who have a natural mathematical ability and enjoy maths (especially algebra, solving linear and quadratic equations, trigonometry, calculus such as differentiation and integration etc). In books like this, there are many such equations and, in this context, they often have simple integer solutions. P Pk towards the equilibrium. The distinction between pure and applied mathematics becomes blurred in the hands of someone like the great Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855). ? (@) 5rde, _ =5 c=15 Cx) = x X C(x) = 15x + 1000 (b) C(0) = 1000 SE 11 fif) = 242 + 0.42 + 0.0531 0.00249 2020) = 12.18% 100 12. -5 - 2 3 and B=| 5 =9 206 2 IS 8 0] 4 503 0 0 | Solution Aisa2 X 3 matrix, Bis a 3 X 4 matrix, so the product will bea 2 X 4 matrix. Find the measure of angle AOB in degrees to 3 significant figures. (e) 3: The non-zero digits and the zero in between are significant. Download Mathematics applications and interpretation IB Past papers 2021 PDF and use it for your revision. (b) Find the domain of f~! Using sets and mappings we can show that there are many different types of infinity. Draw a vertical line at 20. 5. Identify the claim. The higher level courses each have 3 papers and the standard level courses each have 2 papers. Lety = sin(kx) kxcos(kx), where k is a constant. 3. ? Show that an expression for the minimum value of Q is 5000 + 1.028 5000 +o+ 1.0282 5000 1.028" (ii) Hence or otherwise, find the minimum value of Q that would permit David to withdraw annual amounts of $5000 indefinitely. (a) ~11x)m(#+x"1 L (@ MR by L T e 12 s =s [TeYdxm016 10. Here we will look at the effect of the parameters and learn how to solve for them in simplified examples or using a GDC (check your GDC for logistic regression). (a) (%) il ( 347 5a+2 . If m is an odd number, then we can write m = 2j + 1 for some whole numberj. Find the exact angle, in radians, of a sector with these measurements: (a) Area 2577 cm? and radius 5cm (b) Area 3077 m? WebNew math course starting in September 2019 for IB Class of 2021 Course description from IB Approximate current equivalent Recommended prior math background Mathematics: Applications and interpretation This course is designed for students who enjoy describing the real world and solving practical problems using mathematics, those who are Solution (a) The volume of the sphere is V = %n The volume of the cone is V = %mzh Since h = 2r E ! Then, by using ratios to calculate the measurement of arcs and sectors in a circle, we will develop the definition of radian measure. (a) 128 = 6.3984375 cm? If you want to save time, do your research and plan ahead. For example, the graph of the function fix) = 2x 1is shown in Figure 2.4. (@ y=x>+4x+8 () y=x>8x+25 (b) y=x26x+10 (d) y=x>4x+8 (e) y=x%10x+29 (f) y=x2+8x+32 . This area of a sector formula where 6is given in radians. In Leibniz form: &y dy du dx du dx In function notation form: dy d &= wlewl = fllgw) - gx) The differentiation rule d: Y dx d A du dx e IZ = diu g s sy =204x2 1)-8x Function notation [g\x)}] =flw- g =2u8x = flgm) - gon = 2(4x? Beware! Find a formula for the total tin consumption within years of 2013 and estimate when the known world reserves of 156 million tons will be exhausted. 150 = 150"( 17)715017,517 180) ~ 180 6 Given that the radius, r, is 10 cm, substituting into the formula gives The units of the product 1 are equal to the units of rbecause in radian measure has no units. (h) 2 Multiply the exponents. Specifically the one from the oxford university press. () t,=3u, andu, =4 2. It is immensely powerful because it covers an infinite number of situations. (b) Use the model to calculate the boiling point of water at a height of 1.37 km above sea level. Students have the option to choose between two different courses: IB Math Analysis and Approaches (AA) and IB Math Applications and Interpretation (AI). 9. Therefore, the area of one slice is (lZO) = 15cm? By definition: sinm=y=0 tan 7 = cosar =% 1i 53 (d) Anarc oflength t = 3717 is equivalent to three-quarters of the circumference of the unit circle, so it terminates at the point (0, 1). (b) What is the minimum length of rope necessary? S0 0 =< p = 200 is a reasonable domain. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. For each of the following situations, would you expect Spearmans rank correlation coefficient r; to be close to +1, 0, or 1%2 (a) The number of hours an IB diploma student studies and the amount they spend on lunch each week (b) The tax on fuel and the number of litres sold (c) The age of children and their mass (d) The speed of a motor vehicle and the distance required to brake to a stop (e) The amount spent on snack food and the average number of years a person spends in education in various countries (f) The outside temperature and money spent on heating Time, t (min) | In()) 0.2 0.508 0.4 0.212 0.6 0.051 intervals. (b) Find the least-squares regression line for marathon time (M) based on 5km time (7). By symmetry, we know the coordinates of the points on the unit circle from our discussion at the beginning of this chapter. (f) 6: The non-zero digits and the zeros in between are significant. (b) Find an expression for the composite function f g(x) in the axt+bxtic fO (c) (i) 3750 ,wherea,bandce Z Find an expression for the inverse function f~! The signs of the terms alternate and there are 99 terms. The edge of the water is along the x-axis. (@) V=49 () V=9-y=T (b) V=18 ) v=12-y=27 2. Example 13.16 The polynomial functiony = 16x* 8x% + 1 = (4x? This indicates that most customers are happy with the company's products or services. Interest is paid at the end of each year. It has a length [cm, width wem and height 20 cm. Once we have a linear model, it's tempting to use the model in reverse. They are coincident lines. 100, 99, 98, 97, RO 222367 12004000 23. The first has a resistor with R, = 120 and an inductor with X; = 5 Q, while the second has a resistor with R, = 8 Q) and a capacitor with X = 6 Q Find the combined impedance. The diagram to the right shows two. We can also have log-log and lin-log graphs, in the same way that we might chose to transform the x or y or both variables when we linearise data. 198 14. Solve My Task Do math equations 912 Lets take the example of the builders of the interested in symmetry and proportion. In this sense, the tangent is analogous to the gradient of the terminal side. One revolution takes 20 minutes. The IB DP Mathematics: analysis and approaches course recognizes the What is the magnitude of an earthquake R, that is twice as strong as another of magnitude R = 32 Solution Comparing the relative magnitudes, the equation to be solved for R, is: D 10R 10z =2.10= 10% =R, = log (2 - 10) and this time, by using the first rule of logarithms: =R, = log2 + log 10 =R, = log2 + 3 and since log2 ~ 0.301 =R, ~3.301 It is worth noting that regardless of any other magnitude to which one compares an earthquake, an earthquake that is twice as strong has a magnitude that is greater by R ~ 0.301. Hence, three times as tall. There are 3 times zones (A, B and C) for the first time this year (May 2023 exams). (a) (b) 7. The grade boundaries change every year depending on what the scores are, and they also change for every timezone. Diracs own equation for the electron must rate as one of the most profoundly beautiful of all. Use the scatter diagram to answer the questions. (@ () P(X=24)~0.105 (i) P(X = 22) ~ 0.0925, P(X = 26) ~ 0.0902 (iif) P(X = 20) ~ 0.0616, P(X = 28) ~ 0.0595 (b) As the probability is the highest at the expected value and those adjacent gradually decrease, the distribution will likely fit a normal curve. (a) GAUSS IS A GREAT MATHEMATICIAN (b) Answers vary Exercise 7.3 Exercise 7.4 Lm=2orm=3 2. a=7b=2 () (-1,2,-1) 3m=2 4. A sample of 12 bottles contained the following amounts: {496.4, 500.2, 501.3, 507.3, 498.0, 500.3, 504.7, 508.2, 505.3, 491.2, 490.5, 507.4} Find the unbiased estimates of the population mean . 6 nautical miles Exercise 14.4 L (a) 18.1cmmin~! (a) Find an estimate of the common difference, by using an average of the differences. 2 o ) go=b--3 (c)}ZbVb:5 (d) Point of tangency is at g(1) = 3 = (1, 3), gradient is 3 (given), equation of Tisy 3 = 3(x )= y = 3x. ib mathematics analysis and approaches sl inertialearning web ib mathematics analysis @) 3= (f) 33 G -2 @ @ (b) 156 8. 16. The wheel starts with P at the lowest point, at ground level. Determine the value of each of the following. Developing your ability to read and understand mathematical explanations will prove to be valuable to your long-term intellectual development, while also helping you to comprehend mathematical ideas and acquire vital skills to be successful in the Applications and Interpretation HL course. 0 = < P = 200 is a reasonable domain ~ 134726 19 ) V=9-y=T ( )! 0 = < P = 200 is a Cuboid with every pair of opposite faces,. Calculate P for any value of cosx for which d_i =0 18 is defined ona sequence of.! 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ib mathematics: applications and interpretation pdf