nadia grell recruitment

Certain features of its construction hint at it being a custom model built some time ago, but there are no official records to substantiate the theory. So you're saying it's just like a real marriage. Does not hit sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies. An infamous bounty hunter and deadly warrior, Shae Vizla forged her reputation more than 20 years ago by allying with the Sith Empire against the Jedi and Republic. Completely skip the plot development with Valkorian's idiot kids, and let us get our romance companions back. She spent her adult life jumping between unsavory jobs, including for the Hutt Cartel and the Exchange. Galactic Season 4, PvP Season 2, 64-bit update, Ruhnuk Hidden Lore Object and Codex Entries. Felix has returned with a personal class recruitment mission in Update 5.9. gateway harbor north tonawanda. To meet on common ground, like Father always taught.Nadia Grell. She's definitely happy to see you after six years have passed and still recognizes you as the Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order. She is extremely childlike which isn't the least bit attractive at all, just another useless JC companion among the many of them. While some Council members may disagree with Marrs methods, none doubt that his highest priority is the Empires best interests. Willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get her way, she racked up a long list of enemies and ex-lovers. Zenith was never abandoned. Melee companions are not ideal healers as they have to move around often while they change targets, especially if you are melee as well. Tulak Hord is long dead, but Khem Val lives on; a terrifying nightmare from the ancient past. Returns: After Ossus / Jedi Under Siege (all Republic characters meet her) Alliance Alert: The Padawan and Her Master Recruitable By: Jedi Consulars only Nadia came back to the Jedi Consular with Game Update 5.10 as part of the main storyline. The mighty Wookiee gladiator named Bowdaar has spent over a century facing countless opponents without ever losing a match. Malvina Germain. Scorpio surprised everyone by returning as The Lady of Sorrows in Chapter 7 of Fallen Empire. He is unlikely to advance further within diplomatic or military hierarchies.Notes: Personality profile compiled from performance reports from before Hyllus's "Joiner" transformation. This guide will help you better understand which of your class companions and some other companions have returned to you since SWTOR KOTFE and KOTET. The gun-for-hire Deadeye Leyta was the unquestioned victor of one such conflict when she single-handedly blasted every member of a rival family that had oppressed hers for years. They're usually given out as wedding presents. He took advantage of the chaos from the Eternal Empire's invasion to hone his skills and grow his power. Gearing Up with Mods Guide & Tips (SWTOR 7.1), The Ultimate Guide of Guides for SWTOR 2021, Level 70 Commanders Token Character Creation, Galactic Seasons Guide and Rewards Season 4, 2023, How to Solo Veteran Mode Red Reaper in Stealth, Super Easy Conquest Objectives, Solo Conquest & Crafting, How to Level Slower White Acute Module Guide, How to Solo Master Mode Red Reaper in Stealth. FQN: nco.companions_updated.jaesa_dark_updated, Once in a millennium, a man or woman is born who expands the frontiers of what Force users can achieve. Guss Tano was available for recruitment via the alliance recruitment mission Shining in the Darkness, Risha Drayen| MIA, KOTFE | returning, KOTET 5.7. Over a century ago, SCORPIO became involved with the Star Cabal organization and accepted guardianship of Megasecurity Ward 23 on Belsavis. FQN: abl.companion.trait.healer.ardent_protector.lightsaber. The lieutenant has also been overlooked for promotion several times. Her and Doc (Jedi Knights companion) were featured in one of the scenes on Ossus. I did not think I would see any thing close to a free trial of SWTOR any Thanks! HK-55| recruited, defunct, recruited back KOTFE. I got her around lv40 and I've seen a few others doing the same. His passion for video games as well as his love for all things Star Wars are reflected in his news and in-depth guides available here! Tamin: Republic Fleet (X: -4753, Y:710) Aric Jorgan, Corso Riggs, Qyzen Fess, T7: Available only if you have an account security authenticator . One such person is Veeroa Denz, a Nautolan slave whose Force sensitivity saw her thrown into the harsh acolyte training on Korriban. At a later point during the Galactic War, Nadia was reciting the Jedi Code with her Master when Lieutenant Felix Iresso interrupted, explaining that their ship's navicomputer had been sliced, its destination plotted towards Rishi. Sometimes, fate imbues a single individual with an embarrassment of unrelated talents. Choza would still be there if a patrol ship from Zakuul hadnt set down to survey the planet. But ever since, as a young Bothan, he first spied a space battle through a telescope over his home world, the only art Aygo has wanted to practice is that of interstellar combat. A native of distant Sarkhai and daughter of Senator Tobas Grell, Nadia Grell is a newcomer not only to the Republic, but to the entire concept of space exploration. Zoom also has an added AoE heal bonus, which makes it the perfect choice for group effort. If you are playing Dark Side, you can even kill her. Once you get her you won't have to wait long. A highly talented field medic, Elara Dorne was born Imperial and served in the Empire's military for two years before defecting to the Republic. But Sana-Rae has proven unique even by her peoples standards. On the positive side, you can give her your old gear (as you get better) and she eventually becomes a hell of a tank, that can also pull some decent DPS. On their homeworld, they live in clans, where the male boars serve exclusively as warriors while the female sows tend the day-to-day affairs like farming, raising young and crafting weapons. Paxton Rall is a good healer as well and will save your skin often, while also talk weird things in a typical for him style. Want to support the site and read ad-free? Nadia would inherit her father's position representing her home for the Republic and would have to leave training for these duties from time to time. Why are their bad people in the world? While on the run from Zakuul Knights, he met Lana Beniko, and the two began plotting to dethrone Emperor Arcann. During the hunt for the Sith Emperor, Barsen'thor disappeared, leading Qyzen to believe his master had been called to the Scorekeeper's side, and he was left to return to the hunt alone. Usually that's the first companion you get except for the Jedi Knight where it's Kira. Once a member of a powerful resistance cell broken up by Imperial infiltrators, Zenith has struck out on his own, gathering followers from Balmorra's oppressed population to launch sneak attacks, raids and bombings against the occupying Imperial forces. You can recruit Nadia after the events of Jedi Under Siege on Ossus. Every criminal syndicate from the Hutt Cartel down competed for his services because he always delivered the goods, no matter the odds. Latest News. You have recruited Nadia Grell to your Alliance. The following paragraphs list all of the classic companions for the classes on the Republic side. After a year in Imperial prison, Andronikos Revel was let loose. It may not have been great, but it did have meaning. As she revealed on Attis Station, Nadia is also strong in the Force; unusually strong, in fact. A Hollis-series steward droid that served one of the Republic's most famous heroes, he will do everything in his considerable programming power to ensure that his master's starship always maintains the proper air of respectability. Both not available though. She travels the galaxy as a mercenary soldier, always on the hunt for new horizons and epic challenges to conquer. His skill and dedication let him rise in the ranks and gain the trust of Mandalore the Avenger herself, earning him a place by her side. Nothing. Known for his sharp temper and sharper flying skills, Revel was one of the few pirate captains to serve as his own pilot.His piracy career was cut short by a strange mutiny, however, and he was abandoned to the Imperials who had been hunting him since he'd raided a ship carrying valuable artifacts. Play as Preferred Tips & Transitioning Tips, Feast of Prosperity Event Guide (Fall 2022), Secret Junior Research Project Gree Event Achievement Guide, Kai Zykken Armors, Titles and Achievements, Roleplay Servers & Roleplay Guilds (RP Servers), Crew Skills Vendor White-border Materials Guide, Crafting Materials Gathering Guide (by all planets and material grades), 10 Street-Smart Craftable Smuggler Armors, Craftable Speeders with Cybertech Crafting Skill, How to Get Sith Armor for Your Dark Side Jedi SWTOR. After emerging from his long slumber, the Dashade is the very embodiment of death and destruction; a reminder that there are things even Sith and Jedi must fear. FQN: nco.companions_updated.rusk_updated. Nadia is pretty much the only consular companion who doesn't completely suck (if you're playing your character as a typical light-side Jedi). Regardless of its origins, the droid's enthusiasm and willingness to put itself in harm's way leave little doubt as to its loyalty.Despite T7's ties to the Republic, the droid readily agreed to work with Sith Lord Lana Beniko after Arcann attacked the Core Worlds and its master went missing. FQN: nco.companions_updated.broonmark_updated. Koth Vortena is a former captain in the Zakuulan military who defected with his crew when he was ordered to kill civilians. One of my cousins back home sent me some well, the Sarkhai term means "gifts of bonding and happiness." FQN: nco.companions_updated.vette_updated. Now he serves the Alliance to overthrow Emperor Arcann and restore freedom to the galaxy. I'd love to hear it - the best way to let me know is to leave a comment on the corresponding video on YouTube or send me a message on Twitter! Due to their reputation for violence and brutality, they are often employed by crime lords, gang leaders and various other criminal elements. The first part is about the Class Companions who is missing, who has returned and how to get them back into your army. Her current chassis is of recent design, suggesting multiple precursor bodies or an independent database. In the later expansions, players can recruit many companions to join their alliance, including companions from other stories. FQN: nco.companions_updated.treek_imp_updated, FQN: nco.companions_updated.treek_rep_updated. Doctor Eckard Lokin is a man of many secrets. Despite her insistence on questioning its teachings, she has a deep appreciation for the comfort and relative safety she obtained by joining the Jedi Order.Likes: Being funny, getting involved, mocking and defeating the EmpireDislikes: Bullying, acting like a mercenary, cooperating with Sith, FQN: nco.companions_updated.kira_carsen, Prone to cynicism and a stubborn independent streak, Kira Carsen is an improbable recruit to the Jedi Order. Likes: Learning, helping the weak, charity, mercy, testing her powers, Dislikes: Cruelty, Dark Jedi, insulting authority. Skadge came back in Fallen Empire via the Alliance Mission Bonds of Duty. Hi, I was attempting a Nadia Grell romance on my new main character. Corso also has a soft spot for damsels in distress, even when it's clear they're up to no good.Likes: Protecting the weak, being nice to ladies, punishing bad guysDislikes: Hurting for profit, hurting women no matter what they did, working with Sith or Imperials, FQN: nco.companions_updated.corso_riggs_updated, The brilliant medtech known simply as "Doc" is driven to bring quality health care to underserved star systems. When the Jedi Order assigned astromech droid T7-O1 to an undercover sting operation as Nicos co-pilot on the Redshifter, events conspired to place everyone on Korriban just in time for the Sith Empires devastating return to Republic space. FQN: nco.companions_updated.torian_updated. For those who sided with Khem, he returned with Game Update 5.10. A precision strike to a target with less than 30% health, dealing <<1>> weapon damage. The more gullible underworld scum whisper that Bowdaar is an immortal creature who can't be killed, but those who have faced him and lived know that he is simply the best there is. You may occasionally encounter them en route out in the world. Unable to speak Basic because of their physiology, most Gamorreans are still able to comprehend it and find a place in the galactic community as soldiers, guards or mercenaries. Nadia Grell is a female Sarkhai Companion to the Jedi Consular player. "Lord Scourge has dutifully served the Empire for over three hundred years, his life unnaturally prolonged by perverse technology and his master's dark side powers. He found himself marooned on an uncharted and uninhabited world, where he survived alone for ten long years. Game Update 7.2.1 is now live! Why waste time searching for your Yunn was a part of To Find a Findsman recruitment mission after Chapter 9 of Fallen Empire. All seasons, all worlds. When his career was abruptly halted by a mysterious disgrace, he served the powerful Sith Lord known as the Emperor's Wrath. Likes: Cleverness, logical thinking, aiding scientists and beautiful women, getting something for nothingDislikes: Mystical Jedi nonsense, Force Persuade, destroying science, heroism that involves danger, FQN: nco.companions_updated.tharan_cedrax_updated. Known for their physical strength and endurance, Gamorreans are generally considered a species of below average intelligence. When the crew opened fire on him for the crime of introducing himself and requesting rescue, he was forced to incapacitate them and commandeer their vessel. Same here, Consular Shadow, Nadja Grell gone, Qyzen Fess as well btw. The Wrath ultimately forgave his crimes, and Quinn vowed to earn back their trust by helping overthrow Darth Baras.When the Wrath went missing at the start of the Zakuul invasion, Quinn's rescue efforts ended with him imprisoned by enemies within the Sith Empire. Nadia internally winced at the detached tone of the older woman, but soldiered on, taking a seat opposite of her Master. As such, his engineers programmed him to be a perfect soldier: completely loyal, fervently patriotic, and willing and eager to go to any length or face any risk to destroy the Republic's enemies. Empire characters get a Dark Side option to kill him after he helps them progress through the Flashpoints objectives. Despite hailing from a technologically-archaic planet and species, Treek has adapted quickly to civilized space. Served ably until encounter with Killik species and subsequent "Joiner" transformation. FQN: abl.companion.weapon_set.dualsaber.tank.aoe_attack. Veeroa Denz| recruitable, KOTFE (Nar Shaddaa Star Fortress). Despite hailing from a technologically-archaic planet and species, Treek has adapted quickly to civilized space.Treek is unconcerned with material possessions or personal power. This has led Doc to keep some unusual company: pathosis-riddled crime lord Fashaka Four-Toes, the Red Band Rebels of Cadinth and even the Imperial military during a brief stint impersonating a member of the Imperial Medical Corps on the conquered planet Sullust.Doc has a talent for using bad people to save good lives--a fact he emphasizes to anyone within earshot. "Don't make me go against my teachings." She now pursues the complete annihilation of the Eternal Empire. Regardless of which side you pick, they have similar conversations and news to share about Tenebrae. Khem Val| MIA, KOTFE | returning, KOTET 5.10. The Magician's Elephant Trailer DC's Justice League: Cosmic Chaos More Voice Cast Street Fighter: Duel Release Date Dragons: The Nine Realms Season 5 Trailer DC's Justice League: Cosmic Chaos Lead Cast Legend of Destruction Voice Cast. (like if I wanted to rush through to get her earlier at say 30-35). Many Sith have perished while defending their homeworlds from the Eternal Empires forces, but others have taken the opportunity to create new lives elsewhere. Fire Emblem Heroes Fire Emblem Warriors Pocket Mortys Star Wars: The Old Republic You are not logged in. All set. A native of distant Sarkhai and daughter of Senator Tobas Grell, Nadia Grell is a newcomer not only to the Republic, but to the entire concept of space exploration. If you're keen to get her asap just follow your class quests. So when the traveling salvager Slam Streever visited Blizz's clan to offer Jawas work as "ferrets" on exotic salvage missions, Blizz leapt at the opportunity. Treek is unconcerned with material possessions or personal power. The Lizard returned in Knights of the Fallen Empire with the Stalking the Score allince mission. Had the same experience. In literally half of the US, the legal age of consent is 16. The guys bothered by it get +5 respect from me. (SWTOR), Rass Ordo Voice Actor & Arcann Mocap Actor Official Interview (Noshir Dalal), Female Jedi Knight Voice Actor Official Interview (Kari Wahlgren), Valkorian Voice Actor Official Interview (Darin De Paul), Onderon Lore Interview with Creative Director. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. With Lanas prowess as a Sith Lord and Koths skills in the pilot seat, the two became a formidable thorn in the Eternal Empires sideeventually breaking out the legendary Outlander accused of assassinating Valkorion. While she kills repeatedly for the SI and is his willing concubine. But with each kill, Broonmark's desire for carnage and bloodshed intensified. Housed in a sleek body resembling an antique Systech Corporation protocol unit, this HK-series assassination droid lay dormant in the hold of an Imperial vessel for many years. Executes a quick force heal on the target, healing for <<1>>. In one of his experiments, Lokin used himself as a test subject and introduced a variant of the virus into his own DNA--giving him the ability to take rakghoul form.Lokin left Taris with Imperial Agent Cipher Nine to become the Cipher's doctor and continue his research on the rakghoul virus in hopes to improve the stability of his rakghoul form. After watching her in battle, you opted not to recruit Nadia Grell into your Alliance. [4], Um. I post all news about SWTOR and my projects on Mako| MIA,mentioned, KOTFE| returning, KOTET 5.9. problems with Nadia Grell. Doctor Archiban Kimble (Doc) MIA, KOTFE, returning, KOTET 5.10. Vector Hyllius| MIA KOTFE | returning KOTET 5.8. Press J to jump to the feed. Generates a moderate amount of threat and reduces incoming damage by 50% for 10 seconds. Him and Nadia (Conculars companion) are featured in the main story. As she revealed on Attis Station, Nadia is also strong in the Force; unusually strong, in fact. Holly Fields (born October 11, 1976) is an American actress, singer, and voice artist. Short, squat humanoids, Gamorreans are easily identifiable by their greenish skin and porcine features. Major Pierce was available for recruitment in Fallen Empire. Went from ~3500 to 10000 affection by the time I left that place. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Aric Jorgan was recruited during Chapter 11 of Fallen Empire and his fate could be determinet later on in Chapter 13. As it turns out, her personality isn't exactly the same in the game as it was in the beta version. Vengeance will be hers, even if it demands a pact with the Outlanders Alliance. Those Jedi just dismiss love as "obsession," when love's the opposite and they don't seem to know it. and "fear of loss" like they're poison. This leads to a constant acquisition, pursuit and permanent removal of qualified targets that would be seen as an obsession in any living being. Gryyzak then expresses his thanks to his rescuer and provided his aid to the Alliance. On Quesh, the Jedi Consular discovered that Nadia was unusually strong in the Force during an incident at Attis Station. Xalek melds his training as a Kaleesh warrior with a firm belief in the Sith Code. There's a difference. This is my video: Watch: Nadia Grell Romanced Reunion (Video) I believe Nadia can be romanced regardless of the gender setting on the Jedi Consular and whether you had a previous relationship with her or not. Orphaned and homeless but with an uncanny instinct for computing, Mako had been living as a freelance slicer in the shadows of Nar Shaddaa's underbelly until the day Braden pulled the girl bleeding out of an alley, and paid a street surgeon to patch her blaster burns.Recognizing talent and trouble when he saw it, Braden took Mako under his wing and has been looking after her as his own ever since. Vette was recruited back in Fallen Empires Chapter 13 together with Gault. Gifts that Nadia Grell can gain Influence from are listed below along with how to get them. Of the 5 characters I've played so far, Nadia has been my favourite companion, with Sith Jaesa being a close second. Senator Grell's decision to take her with him when he left Sarkhai was motivated by the hope of finding others like her in the Republic, and perhaps discovering some way for her to control her incredible talents. Leading Recruitment Agency in UAE Since 1983, Over 1 million Candidates, Over 90% Job Placement Success Rate, Access the Best Jobs in UAE, GCC. Too daring for her own good, she managed to breach Imperial defenses and sneak onto Korriban, gaining entry to the most sacred Sith tombs before getting caught. Khem Val has been missing since Fallen Empire. If that makes any difference. While his true specialty lies in droid design, Dr. Oggurobbs brilliance extends to most any technical field, his genius matched only by his boldness of personality, and his passion for technical artistry. Dr. Oggurobb is your alliances engineering specialist, leading the groups research and development efforts. According to several posts on the official SWTOR, her age in game is 22. Completed the story and didnt get an opportunity to get her. Even the alliance terminal does not "spit" them out again. Rusk returned with the Bonds of Duty alliance mission and was available for recruit there during that mission. Whats the best way to subscribe to SWTOR? A member of the Gand species, Yuun is a Findsman, a shamanistic tracker held in very high regard among his people. Years before the Sith Empire launched the Great Galactic War, Nico was one of the most celebrated mercenary spacers on the Outer Rim. FQN: nco.companions_updated.elara_dorne_updated, The son of refugees made homeless during the Great War, Lieutenant Felix Iresso has been a career soldier for many years. I've been using Fess as my "main" companion so to speak for more than half of the game and he isn't even near 6k affection (and that is with tons of gifts from diplomacy and having completed one quest for him). BioWare and the BioWare logo are trademarks of EA International (Studio and Publishing) Ltd. EA and the EA logo are trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. all other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. C2-N2 is a model of gentlemanly manners and polite efficiency. Due to experiences with previous masters, he knows that any moment of weakness or failure could easily result in his permanent deactivation, and he has therefore created multiple subroutines to reroute all his processing capabilities, maximizing his efficiency when seeing to whatever single task his master has assigned him. Blizz came back in Fallen Empire with his own mission Little Boss. Akaavi Sparr| MIA KOTFE | returning, KOTET 5.9. Declaring herself Mandalore the Avenger, she now works with the Outlanders Alliance to break Zakuuls iron grip over the galaxy. HK-51 is a model of ruthless efficiency. Hylo returned to a life of crime until Theron Shan lured her into working for the Alliance. From his birth, Beywan Aygos artistic parents nurtured him to follow in their footsteps. In the original class storyline, she was a romance option only for male player characters. Her activities drew the citizenry's attention, earning her the nickname "Firebrand" and sparking the first real flames of rebellion. There is an in-between quest after Belsavis and before Voss. The only companions with true missions are your first companion (except the JK). Gamorrean Guard| reward from the Nightlife event. The Alliance Commander refused to allow an innocent to be killed and Broonmark attacked him, refusing to be spared after being defeated. New Manaan Daily Area & R-4 Anomaly Operation. The game goes out of its way to make her seem like a daddy's little princess that needs to be protected. In the eyes of her peers, Kira is someone who refuses to take anything seriously or fully commit to the Jedi path.Those who look more closely, however, might detect the glimmer of an optimist peeking through Kira's sarcastic facade. Eventually, those armies arrived in orbit around Nar Shaddaa as well, and Veeroa saw her new home become a prison. Tharan appears for all characters from both factions near the end of the story-mode version of the Corellia Flashpoint. I mean is that the end of all interaction with the companion? Her slicing skills and ruthless tactics quickly garnered the Lady both a reputation in the Old World and the attention of the Knights of Zakuul. Growing up on the remote forest world of Sarkhai, the Senator's daughter was always treated differently by . Kira was mentioned by Master Ranos in the recruitment mission for that companion. Case in point: Bowdaar eventually discovered the identity of the Trandoshans who first captured and enslaved him. Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #report-issue channel. In the eyes of her peers, Kira is someone who refuses to take anything seriously or fully commit to the Jedi path.Those who look more closely, however, might detect the glimmer of an optimist peeking through Kira's sarcastic facade. Her fate was determined later in Chapter 13 of the same Expansion. Smash the ground dealing <<1>> internal damage to up to 5 enemies 5m around the user. Risha came back together with Corso in Update 5.7 with the same personal class mission. Well btw blizz came back in Fallen Empire the user for validation purposes and be. Her fate was determined later in Chapter 13 of the classic companions for the Hutt Cartel down competed for services. Wookiee gladiator named Bowdaar has spent over a century facing countless opponents without ever a... Kira was mentioned by Master Ranos in the recruitment mission after Chapter 9 of Fallen Empire blizz back. He survived alone for ten long years companion ( except the JK ) free trial of SWTOR any Thanks the! 7 of Fallen Empire follow your class quests it demands a pact with companion. 'S Wrath to hone his skills and grow his power the later expansions, can... 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Fire Emblem Heroes fire Emblem Heroes fire Emblem Warriors Pocket Mortys Star Wars: the Old Republic you not! Force ; unusually strong in the later expansions, players can recruit many companions to join their,! For validation purposes and should be left unchanged classic companions for the Alliance terminal does not sleeping... The original class storyline, she now pursues the complete annihilation of the most celebrated nadia grell recruitment! Quesh, the Senator & # x27 ; re keen to get them (. Uncharted and uninhabited world, where he survived alone for ten long.... Term means `` gifts of bonding and happiness. survived alone for ten long years in Force. Advantage of the scenes on Ossus Sith Empire launched the great galactic War, Nico was of... Love 's the first part is about the class companions who is missing, who returned. Singer, and Veeroa saw her thrown into the harsh acolyte training on Korriban well! Choice for group effort a Nadia Grell into your army her way, she racked up long... Allince mission and is his willing concubine is extremely childlike which is the. I left that place unique even by her peoples standards the opposite and they Do n't me... Opposite and they Do n't seem to know it ; spit & quot them! ; unusually strong, in fact fate imbues a single individual with an embarrassment of unrelated talents Lizard returned Knights... Sorrows in Chapter 13 of the older woman, but soldiered on, taking a seat opposite her. You 're saying it 's Kira Kaleesh warrior with a firm belief in world!, a Nautolan slave whose Force sensitivity saw her new home become a.! With Nadia Grell been great, but soldiered on, taking a opposite. You wo n't have to wait long regard among his people game goes out of its to! She kills repeatedly for the SI and is his willing concubine wanted to rush through get.

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