pdq deploy windows updates
Download History no longer displays the download type of 'ManualNoHistory' for Auto Downloads. Added incremental searching by typing within a grid. In the spirit of fresh starts and new beginnings, we Manually starting a schedule was not shifting focus to the deployment. Download button renamed to Import. Install and Command step additional files can now contain environment variables. Refreshing the console using F5 also checks for new versions of PDQ Deploy. Made improvements to the Retry Queue to prevent the issue of creating too many deployments. Attempting to delete a schedule attached to Auto Deployments was not working as intended. This is a community-ran space for tips, tricks, tutorials, and support relating to software from PDQ.com. Fixed an issue with sharing packages that use the Repository system variable. More performance improvements, particularly while editing packages. Go ahead and launch PDQ Deploy, and we'll get started. Keep last used values for the "Stop deploying" settings for new Schedules. We did this and found some pretty old updates that we were not even seeing prior due to use only scanning for Windows updates and not M$ updates as well. Fixed bug that could cause the database upgrade to fail if there was invalid data in the old database. Improved performance on integration to PDQ Inventory. Added notification of new packages in Package Library. 5th: Make some PDQ Deploy dynamic collections. Fixed an issue connecting to certain AD domains. Any errors that are encountered will be reported there. Various bug fixes and performance enhancements. Exclusions have been added to the Repository Cleanup to protect certain files or directories. Potential error message stating that Auto Deployment was missing installation files. Improved error messages when initial service user account can't be set. Hey everyone, I'm hoping to get some help forcing feature updates through PDQ using the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant application. Allow multiple steps to be enabled/disabled in the Package window. Thanks for all the replies so far - I can get the deployment to complete successfully on some PC's, but the issue is that it will freeze/hang on the other computers - that, when you run the installer manually will only give you the option to select 'nothing' on the 'choose what to keep' screen. Issues with sorting during a running deployment has been fixed. Sharing has been superseded by Central Server and has been disabled. Added a File Copy step to packages. Fixed an issue in the console which could cause it to crash after starting a deployment from PDQ Inventory. Other minor registry condition bugs fixed. That's it! Changed deployment time out to only apply to each step's run time to prevent large copies from hitting time out. Also, using WSUS server feels antiquated and can be very finicky. Fixes issues with opening the console after an upgrade. Changed the deployment step output to be empty when the deployment succeeds. These tools will even help you . Added the ability to use Deploy Once and Redeploy for Auto Deployments. Enabling or disabling multiple steps in a package now works as expected. Ability to prioritize deployments using Deploy Once as well as prioritizing already queued deployments or specific targets within a deployment. Default to last deployment user when creating a new deployment. Fixed a problem where the file copy speed wasn't displaying. Added Auto Deployment feature. The founders began working for other companies supporting the IBM Tivoli Management Framework and Microsoft SCCM. Added OS Condition for Windows 10 in PDQ Deploy package steps. Go ahead. When a new File or Registry condition fails, the output log includes comprehensive information. Fixed the ability to deploy to an IP address as the target. You can find out more about scheduled deployments here. When doing a refresh of the console, packages now prompt for unsaved changes. Once you have finished adding all of your target computers, click Deploy Now. Youve come to the right place. Whenexportingpackages, folders, or target lists, the type of file is identified in the Save as type field. Schedules no longer deploy to computers where the same package is still being deployed. Improved ability to switch domains in the Select AD target window. These updates include bug fixes, security patches, and system stability improvements. Fixed issue preventing deployment to computers with underscores or other special characters in their names. In order to resolve the problem, I've had to deploy theKB4586853 update (which resolves the problem from what I've read online). Fixed issue with saving the Expires setting for a Schedule. 1. Deployments retain the name of the package at the time it was deployed. Added ability to remember the list of targets between deployments. Fixed an issue with opening database files with certain languages. Versions over 18.1. Then, when new updates are released, these computers will once again be placed in the (Old) containers until they are updated once again. In Pro and Free mode, downloading a package from the Updates tab of the Package Library may require a refresh first. Fixed an issue reading group names from Spiceworks 7. Nested Package Steps now include the option to use the Run As option of the parent package or the nested package. Use the download links below to access the latest versions for each category. You can view the changelog here. Why? PDQ-D can deploy immediately or on a schedule, so we have some tasks that are scheduled automatically (Chrome on certain machines every other week), and others we schedule as needed (push out a new software update to a specific Dept at 11PM when no one is on their machines). The filter on the Select Target List window is now working as expected. Fixed an issue when copy/paste would fail with remote control software running. Above is for 21H2, but next release, change location and bing, you can rollout an upgrade Friday as you head out of the door, and by Monday, it is all done. Post Deployment Notifications set in a schedule were occasionally not sending. Added feature to share packages with other PDQ Deploy users (Enterprise). The Download History tab no longer removes the link to packages that are converted to Standard packages and moved to the Auto Download Archive folder. Hi, on your pictures please check the small fine print at the bottom and it tells you why the installer says nothing. The majority of Windows Updates can be deployed by PDQ Deploy. The Deploy Once and Deploy Computer Status windows are now non-modal. Fixed issue when more than one Package Step was set to Run As Deploy User (Interactive). On the Install Step, the MSI Options text now displays the correct selected string. $ComObj.DownloadFile($exedl,$exe) Added ability to Deploy packages or steps the Deployment User in Interactive Mode. While running a deployment, the copy status on the main deployment panel now provides the percent copied as well as the copy speed. Basically all you do is change line 5 from. Install Step parameters now expand environment variables. This step will perform a forced logoff of all interactive sessions on the target computer. Fixed an issue with upgrading the wrong version of the remote repair tool. Objective: We don't use a WSUS server. The tab header in a schedule now shows an error icon when an error exists within that tab. Fixed an additional issue when using Pull file copy and Command steps. Fixed issues pertaining to 'net.pipe' error messages and included more information about the error. Converting an Auto Download package containing Pre and Post Steps to a Standard package now retains the order of the steps. Computers that are offline are now put into the. These updates include new features, security improvements, visual differences, and more. I'll wait. A lot of PCs will just be able to do an EZ "Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate -Force", but I ran into some issues with nuget being old and missing C++. Update notes have moved. Let PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory help you take back control of your network. PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory are great for your automation. Groups in Active Directory were occasionally sorted incorrectly. Changed deployment time out to only apply to each step's run time to prevent large copies from hitting time out. Fixed an issue with Post Schedule Notification's subject line using the wrong variables when 'Reset All' is selected. Fixed an issue with the menu formatting when switching between active windows. This cloud-based tool remotely shows a list of all missing security updates and patches on multiple remote computers at the same time, deploy security patches on selected systems, install Windows updates and more. Deployments can install, uninstall, execute scripts, reboot, copy files, sleep, send messages, etc. Use default text editor when opening step output. Added access to our new Subscription service. In his free time, Brock enjoys adventuring with his wife, kids, and dogs, while dreaming of retirement. The Updates section of the Package Library now sorts by modified date by default. We use PDQ for cumulatives then we use WSUS & PowerShell inventory scanner to identify any other updates like office and one off KBs. Changed Advanced subscription to Enterprise. I've come to realize that I have a serious love-hate relationship with Windows updates. . Fixed an issue where a large deployment with computers not registered in DNS could take a long time to start. Fixed issue where resetting print settings could delete profiles. Fixed issue where expanded folders were not maintained on refresh. Improvements to database connections to prevent time outs. Fixed an issue which could cause the console to crash when a deployment is started. Changed Message step to allow ANSI characters (thank you, Gnther). Alternatively, you can click Choose Targets and select your targets from a source like Active Directory or PDQ Inventory. Selecting and downloading the needed Windows Update package The installation wizard for PDQ Deploy now includes the ability to choose the destination folder. Auto Deployment has been replaced with Auto Download. Fixed a crash when Windows spell check components are corrupt. New product and company branding. Automatic backup of the databases added to Preferences. Execute scripts Copy over needed files Send messages to users Force reboots Free 14-day trial Execute remotely Unlock the potential of automation by scripting commands and scripts with your preferred language. Click on Scan Profile.xml. Added the option tostop deploying to remaining queued computersafter a set number of minutes. Improved updating the console with deployment status. Enable $(Repository) variable in Additional Files. These patches usually address and patch severe vulnerabilities. Print Preview 'In Color' option moved to Preferences > Printing. Fixed issue where step run time was blank. Increased ping timeout used by offline settings to 2 seconds. Fixed error message shown when Spiceworks user doesn't have sufficient rights to browse groups. With PDQ Deploy, you have access to our package library, which is jam-packed with hundreds of pre-built application packages, including Windows updates. PowerShell steps no longer add a single space that was preventing the use of signatures. Fixed an issue with start and run time showing for computers in deployments. This simple guide will show you how to do so. Step1: Powershell [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force Step2: Job that silently installs C++ 2015-2019 runtime Step3: Powershell Added Inventory Heartbeat Trigger which allows Deploy Schedules to be triggered when a target comes online. Fixed an issue with Remote Repair where scanning a local system would fail. Fixed an issue saving the Weeks in Month value for monthly schedules. Additional performance improvements, particularly while browsing Active Directory containing a large number of objects. Fixed issue which could result in duplicate Packages. Print Preview can now be printed across multiple pages using the Auto Fit profile. So that means that we'll have Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and soon, Windows 11 all being supported simultaneously. Fixed an issue preventing deployments from using the setting on the package for Run as Local System. Deploying a Nested Package and starting from a later step now works as intended. Made improvements to the Retry Queue to prevent the issue of creating too many deployments. a software deployment tool used to keep Windows PCs up-to-date without bothering end users. Introduced Mail Notifications to Preferences window. Viewing an active deployment from a Shared database will now only show the final status of a deployment. In schedules, sometimes the Heartbeat trigger would be locked to Enterprise users. (Enterprise Mode). (Note - When you download a package as an "Auto Download" package, it will be automatically updated as new versions of the package become available. Fixed issues where deployments would stop processing when several were running at once. I am far from any sort of PowerShell wizard. Latest releases Release builds are our most rigorously tested and contain new features and bug fixes. The Disable Splash Screen checkbox in Preferences wasn't staying checked, even though the Splash Screen was disabled. RIGHT?!?! URLs in Package Details and Package Descriptions are now hyperlinks. Fixed an issue in the console which could cause it to crash after starting a deployment from PDQ Inventory. So automating your updates can help you recover a lot of your time. Exporting Preferences would not export changes to the default Auto Download settings. What are you waiting for? So if you scan for updates, update, then scan and find no updates.it will still show the latest results that DID return items. Not Sure. Fixed issue with SQLite crashing on certain Windows 2003 servers. Fixed an issue preventing the console from running on FIPS-enabled computers. Fixed an issue preventing reboot steps from properly reconnecting. Preferences change log added in C:\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Audit. Various other bugs, including locking issues in regard to Central Server. Standardized hyperlink display properties. Other minor bug fixes and performance enhancements. While downloading from the Package Library, the Package folder is missing the waiting icon. Packages created from the PDQ Inventory Run Command window now follow correct naming conventions. When doing a refresh of the console, packages now prompt for unsaved changes. In a schedule, targets in all lowercase letters were disregarding the option 'Stop deploying to targets once they succeed'. In the package description, adding URLs now works as expected. Fixed copying and pasting of packages in the main window. You are no longer able to attach the same package multiple times to a single schedule. Fixed an issue when re-downloading a package from the library with read-only files. Upgraded Auto Deployments now use the correct icon. Fixed an issue where the background service may not stop without being killed. Worse is that the number of updates can also be different for each. Ability to view Concurrent Session details in the Console Users window. Redeploy now uses the same credentials as the original deployment. Fixed issue where Redeploying a package with custom credentials would instead display the default credentials. Introduced newprinting and reportingfeatures. Deploy Once window now includes the ability to open a package from this window, and Copy Mode options. The "expires" date is now shown in the Trigger column of the Schedule window. Once you've downloaded your chosen Windows OS ISO, you'll need to extract the files with 7-Zip. Added notification of new packages in Package Library. Monthly Rollup updates are similar to Cumulative updates. There is no "stable" status bar for windows update as each update for each machine takes different amount of time. Improved performance of auto sorting a large folder. Fixed issue with displaying of copy % after step 1. As you can see, the process to deploy Windows Updates with PDQ Deploy is super easy and requires only a few clicks. Variables can now be used in the email subject of the Post Deployment Notification and Post Schedule Notification. Removed the import package .xml file size limit. With PDQ Deploy, you have access to our package library, which is jam-packed with hundreds of pre-built application packages, including Windows updates. Changing the appearance of package icons works as expected. One of the things I really like is that PDQ Inventory includes out-of-the-box many of the very useful collections that you would have to otherwise build from scratch. Opens a new window. Console User authentication added to the Background Service. Added new Performance setting: \ Addresses in Name Resolution. Added Warning icons when required fields in Mail Server preferences are empty. IT Support & Operations Analyst at Advantis Credit, https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=799445. Packages created from the PDQ Inventory Run Command window now follow correct naming conventions. Update third-party software, deploy custom scripts, and make impactful configuration changes in minutes. Integration with the PDQ Inventory Agent. Custom variables were occasionally being replaced with the value of the variable. Added credentials user name to the notification email report. Improved idle background service performance with large number of schedules. While in Client mode, sending a test email comes from the Server as intended. The Disable Splash Screen checkbox in Preferences wasn't staying checked, even though the Splash Screen was disabled. New product and company branding. Improved performance of offline testing for the Deployment Offline Settings. PDQ Deploy already knows how to handle the MSU files, so calling wusa.exe and adding the /quiet /norestart parameters automatically is part of the magic. Deploying to a schedule that is linked to a PDQ Inventory collection would sometimes deploy to additional targets. Additional information displayed on the License window, including Technical Contact. Great! PDQ Deploy was not recognizing targets in PDQ Inventory that were resolved using NetBIOS instead of DNS. Fixed issue where resetting print settings could delete profiles. A restart of both background services for PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory may be required for proper integration. Fixed the ability to attach the same package to the same schedule more than once. local_offer Action1 star 4.8 flag Report 0 of 1 found this helpful thumb_up thumb_down Jeff124 New contributor pimiento Sep 5th, 2019 at 9:31 AM The installer for Windows10Upgrade9252.exe drops the files into c:\$GetCurrent Download the installation media for 2004, run the executable, create a ISO Mount iso and copy files to repository Create a pdq deploy package (select folder with extracted iso files) Create command (C:\folder\2004\setup.exe /auto upgrade /migratedrivers all /ShowOOBE none /Compat IgnoreWarning /Telemetry Disable) Set timeout to 120 minutes Added Live Webcast announcements (can be turned on or off in Preferences >Auto Update Alerts). The ability to choose a profile from the drop-down in the Print Preview window has been restored. With scheduled deployments, you can select the deployment package, the targeted computers, the triggers, and the offline settings to take care of your deployments for you. Fixed a possible crash when opening a Package. Variables in file names are not expanding when using something other than an .exe. Windows 8.1 reached end of Mainstream Support on January 9, 2018. Fixed an issue where nested packages may not export correctly if the target package was renamed. In Free mode, downloading from the Updates tab of the Package Library works as expected. When deploying to localhost using a schedule, the target history no longer shows both the localhost and the hostname. Fixed issue where expanded folders were not maintained on refresh. Ability to attach/detach package(s) from a new schedule prior to saving it. Deploy Once may not have recognized PDQ Inventory was installed for selecting targets. Added ability to remember the list of targets between deployments. Release builds are our most rigorously tested and contain new features and bug fixes. Improved handling additional files in Command Step when Copy Mode is set to Pull. Issue with Repository cleanup causing the console to freeze after excluding a folder. They went on to create tools to suit smaller and medium-sized businesses, and then expanded again to the enterprise level. Fixed an issue where redeploying from deployment status window would not use changes in package. The Target Service preferences page is now easier to use. oUnedited Auto Download packages from the Package Library can be deployed to PDQ Inventory targets with an External Agent. I know there's the /noreboot switch available in the parameters, but I've never managed to get it working properly with that being absent, hence separating out the steps. If you dont have the required patches installed, this can lead to a very dangerous security vulnerabilities in your environment. Added Sharing page to Preferences window. Use scan user credentials for deployments when importing targets from PDQ Inventory. Additional performance improvements, particularly while browsing Active Directory containing a large number of objects and deployment reports. Shared database version and compatibility warnings added to Shared Databases page. Occasionally, editing the email notifications would cause the console to close. Fixed issue running as local system in free mode. Add "- Copy" to Package names when importing or pasting duplicate names. Fixed an issue where the print page orientation could change when printing. Auto Download Approvals of Private Packages are no longer visible to all client consoles. Added the ability to use Deploy Once and Redeploy for Auto Deployments. Additional performance improvements, particularly while browsing Active Directory containing a large number of objects. Improved the Wake-on-LAN offline settings to more reliably determine when the target has come online. TheDeployment Status Stepshave been updated to displayxxofxxStep(s). Opening a package while it was downloading would not be available for editing until the package was reopened. Added condition for determining whether a user is. Deploy custom or prebuilt software packages, automate IT tasks, and manage your devices from the cloud. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. Fixed an issue where cleaned up deployments weren't always removed from the console. (To update the taskbar icon, launch PDQ from the updated desktop icon). Default to last deployment user when creating a new deployment. Variables for UNC paths are no longer being removed when replacing install files. To update your imported profile (s), follow the appropriate Updating section above. Files can be imported by dragging or copying from Windows Explorer to the application. This will ensure that the update will be carried out quietly. . Added a Logoff step. Post Deployment Notifications set in a schedule were occasionally not sending. PDQ Inventory and Deploy are two very powerful utilities developed by PDQ.com. Sorting Targets during or after a deployment now works as expected. Danish characters were not displaying correctly when selecting PDQ Inventory collections as targets. Added Reboot Step to Packages to reboot the target computer. Enabling or disabling multiple steps in a package now works as expected. Direct link to the Output Log in the Deployment Computer List and More Info window when encountering an error with a step. I have done it with PDQ where you don't have to push out the update. To only be notified of release builds within the product, navigate to Options > Preferences (or Ctrl+,) click Alerts, and select Release Channel. Scrolling through multiple targets in deployments results now works as expected. Fixed a bug preventing filters from finding certain nested objects. This one will download the update assistant and update to the latest version. Importing Targets Lists with multiple entries now import correctly. Download History no longer displays the download type of 'ManualNoHistory' for Auto Downloads. Schedules can now be attached to multiple packages. Mine is with PDQ, but extra the ISO for version to a folder on PDQ server. Redeploy now uses the same credentials as the original deployment. With start and Run time to prevent large copies from hitting time out name Resolution prevent large copies hitting... Icons when required fields in Mail Server Preferences are empty end of Mainstream Support on January 9,.... Packages created from the Server as intended tools to suit smaller and medium-sized businesses, more... Not recognizing targets in all lowercase letters were disregarding the option to use the Run as local system in schedule... Folders, or target lists, the copy status on the License window including! 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