miao dao vs nodachi

When comparing a katana vs. a greatsword, they differ in length by about 10 inches. Yet the rise in popularity of the japanese Katana came about because of the progressing nature of close-range battles. The Nodachi is a huge sword that often measures around 3 Shaku or almost 36 inches. In terms of size, its the Japanese equivalent of the Chinese Miao Dao and the Western longsword or claymore. Central to the samurai's way of life were their swords, with the katana and nodachi being two of . It has an overall length of 45 3/8 / 1.15 m, weighs 2 lbs 12.6 oz 1.25 kg, and is sharpened and ready for usage. Then well talk about how it was built and its shrouded history. It is also said that the dachi were used to cut in half the long poles with which the people from the mainland tried to keep away the Japanese pirate boats. The build quality of the Silver Swallow is generally quite good. Anyone who would like to test this theory for themselves can pick up one of LK Chens recreations of a long Han dao which, aside from having only a single cutting edge, has no other similarities to any Chinese sword of the Ming, Qing or more modern periods. The Nodachi is often compared with other types of Nihonto. The deep black lacquered scabbard matches the deep black ribbed handle. On the better Japanese swords, the Japanese craftsmen took great care in the aestethics of the hamon and hada, and the polisher spent a great amount of time to show these elements. But with Qis capturing of the Kage-ry mokuroku and the subsequent publications we have at least a small insight on the pre-Muromachi period swordsmanship using the dachi. Depends on your odachi. Your knowledge about Chinese swords will increase a lot with this one. In picture 2 we see at least one pirate who is carrying a longer than usual sword. The Nodachi is a type of Nihonto wielded by the Samurai warriors of feudal Japan. It is a sword that continued to evolve from the very early days of China and has grown to be the sword it is today. dachi swordplay styles differed from that of other Japanese swords, focusing on downward cuts. 125 centimetres (49in)), but in fact, they were not strictly distinguished between nodachi and dachi, and it is thought that the term dachi indicated a long tachi, and the term nodachi indicated an dachi used in field battles[1] (in keeping with the name, since the initial no () literally means "field"). It has the exact proportions of a real Miao Dao with the Damascus steel added to it, making it a costly but excellent sword to acquire for any sword enthusiast. Well, not very long :P But it was certainly a lot of fun! liste des agents de joueurs fifa par pays; majid jahangir actor biography; did luther vandross have any nieces and nephews It was said that the sword was inspired by legendary mythology. If you set a set a typical Qing dynasty Zhanmadao and a modern Miaodoa next to each other even a novice swordsman with notice several key differences. Odachi were usually more cumbersome, but they had much more strength and power per blow than a katana. The curvature helps a lot too. The Miao Dao is a saber with a very slight and soft curvature. The arch of a Katana blade allowed the user to draw the sword quickly, and it was well-suited for combat. Qi Jiguang felt the Japanese swords were much better, in his time, and he probably had good reason to think that. This offers the Miao Dao much more leverage when it comes to attacking, almost like a spear, and can also be a very powerful stabbing weapon. Nodachi sword was said to be closely affiliated to the Chinese Miao dao, westernized Spanish Espada Bastarda and Scottish Claymore. Apart from that also the Japanese pirates made frequent use of the dachi. That is incorrect, based on historical fact.. But compared to a Nihont (from lets say Kamakura period), even if the ore is of poorer quality, the sword itself who resulted from it is of higher quality than European or Chinese swords. Despite frequent assertions to the contrary, I can find no evidence that he formally taught the miaodao there. Edo period ukiyo-e shows an dachi worn on the back of a samurai. . The advantages of a katana vs. a greatsword meant that a fighter could carry on longer in battle, move faster, and recover more quickly even if it took many more strikes to finish off an opponent. He was sometimes called the Swallow due to the elegance and speed of his blade work when fencing. An dachi forged by Sadaie, 14th century, Learn how and when to remove this template message, the village of Yahiko, Nishikanbara District, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. A dao sword is a single edged sword of Chinese origin that first surfaced during China's Bronze Age. During the late 14th and early 15th centuries, the blade of a Katana measured between 70 and 73 centimeters. Although it is heavier than the average type of sword, it does weigh very little, making it a perfect weapon for use in battles or LARP events. He got a fuck long MiaoDao @@ very similar to a Nodachi in Kenjutsu. As did the miaodao. Lets discover its characteristics. These had their own names with thezhanmadaomost closely resembling the weapon described by both Cheng and Qi. The spine of the steel blade should have the shape of a spherical pipe, known as a pipe blade, getting thinner at the tip and thicker as it gets closer to the handguard. The method of polishing is also different. However China, just like Europe has naturally higher quality and quantity of iron ore for the quality weaponry and armor. $169.00 European Swords. I am quite surprised by what you say. They resemble the Liuyedao in many characteristics and often have a Liuyedao blade. While this claim is often made in miaodao circles it is not a subject that we see on any of the existing class lists from the period. It is made to be perfect for training in Chinese martial arts. Nowadays, it is still revered for its historical significance and excellent craftsmanship. I did an article on Chinese long sabers as they appear in Qing dynasty regulations of the mid 18th century: No longer concerned with defeating spearmen, soldiers armed with these long sabers, machine pistols and grenades were instead tasked with providing close support to vulnerable artillery units in Cao Kuns army. I used it sometimes. The Nodachi is three or more Shaku in size. Pegg, R., Yang, T., & Figler, R. (2015, August 27). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. IN STOCK & ON SPECIAL . That only happens in martial arts movies. (LogOut/ Cheng Zhongyous manual Dan Dao Fa Xuan () has generated much interest and is currently one of the most frequently discussed martial arts publications of the late Ming. Guo Ruixiang donated his fathers original saber to the National Sports Museum in 1984 as part of the massive campaign that was launched that year to catalog all of Chinas existing Wushu traditions. I myself only own a synthetic nodachi from PHA I used as a miao dao substitute. The same can be said of the last century of the Qing, from which most Chinese swords today survive. I should imagine that there are quite a few Ming enthusiast who would love to get their hands on a decently priced dandao. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Cookie Notice The intricate dragon-head collar is made of brass, and the guard and pommel are made of stainless steel that has been given an antique finish. The samurai, Japan's legendary warrior class, have long been admired for their dedication to the principles of bushido, the way of the warrior. I found this at the same time as the other video; the other video with the miao dao and longsword is much higher technical quality, but I still wanted to post this anyway as an example of a recreation of a more historical matchup. Only in martial arts movies does that happen, and rarely in history. The Niuweidao of the Late Qing Dynasty This was a kind of Chinese Dao that appeared during the late Qing Dynasty. For example, yamazumi Shrine, which is said to be a treasure house of Japanese swords and armor, is dedicated to the national treasure dachi, which was dedicated by Emperor Go-Murakami, and dachi, which was dedicated by mori Naoharu and killed Kusunoki Masashige.[12]. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. http://www.mandarinmansion.com/chinese-long-sabers. A historian inside and out, David is a 26 year old graduate in the field with many certificates. This is a hilt that makes it easy to transition between some of the more complex grips that are seen in modern miaodao work. Still, he did much to promote the miaodao and ultimately passed his work on to his son Guo Ruixiang. The latter was much easier, since the user carried the weapon by hand. It existed in ancient times under the names Chang Dao and Zhan Ma Dao. The stainless-steel fittings are substantial and nicely done. chinese long sword Miao Dao 3D model sword japan, formats OBJ, FBX, STL, BLEND, ready for 3D animation and other 3D projects. But the real creation of it came from the 16th/17th century and onward. Miao Dao/Dan Dao $599.00 $709.00 The term Miao Dao (), or Sprout Saber in English, has become a popular term synonymous with all long Chinese two-handed sabers. He has a lot of leverage and going for a bind is very difficult, not to mention the fact that he's pretty great at winding and close combat. The miaodao () is a Chinese two-handed dao or saber of the Republican era, with a narrow blade of up to 1.2 metres (47 in) or more and a long hilt. In An Ancient Tradition and Modern Training. While this move is also used in other schools, for example, Yagy Shinkage-ry, Shin mus Hayashizaki-ry and Iaid, only Enshin-ry seems to have used it to improve the drawing speed of an dachi, the other schools having used it with classical katana. Choosing your weapon wasnt really about which sword was better, merely a matter of style and technical preference in the nodachi and katana comparison. The blade length of the Miao Dao can be from 2.6 to 3.2 feet / 80 cm to 1 m long. This proves that the Nodachi existed a long time ago. Many katana cultists on YouTube, and more katana bashing, but it seems both groups avoid this wonderful blog, sadly. The word tachi itself is derived as the stem or noun form of verb tatsu (, "to cut off"). Nodachi literally translates to "Field Sword," while Odachi means "Large / Great Sword." In turn China came up with the Changdao and then Japan the Katana. One of the most successful Ming-dynasty military leaders appointed to deal with the wak was general Qi Jguang (, 1527-1588). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It is 40 inches in length / 102 cm and weighs around 1.7637 lbs / 800 g. It is slightly smaller and much lighter, making it perfect for LARP. Colonel wields a Bisento, a type of polearm weapon. Exploring this process of social creation can be a challenge. This Damascus Steel Miao Dao has a traditional look but is made with a modern build. The pipe blade added to the blade makes it very light to use. This is when the steel is heated, then rapidly cooled. Named after the Miao ethnic group, the Miao Dao was a popular weapon among Chinese infantrymen and martial artists for its versatility and reach. If you continue to use this site you understand and agree to the use of cookies and accept them. It was sometimes called the Miao Dao - a similar but more recent blade - that appears similar to that of the Japanese Nodachi. Their profiles should be based on the traditional miaodao but in consideration of modern humans size, should be made a bit shorter and lighter. Cookie Notice The character for () means "big" or "great"; no () means "field." In And Hilt Weapons. This type of sword appears in many myths as the sword of the Gods. One was wearing it on ones back, and the other was carrying it by hand. The Miao Dao sword type has changed significantly over the years. It measured over half the height of its carrier, so it required impressive strength and skill to wield the sword. The Piandao is a slicing saber mainly because it might be shorter and the curve goes further away from the center line. This is a recording of a match at a Sword Arts meeting in April 2016. 3. The spine should be a spherical pipe shape, thinner toward the tip and gradually thicker toward the handguard. Its design was influenced by the Japanese tachi and later, the Katana. Even the veneer of age that systems like Taijiquan or Wing Chun hold up is often the result of sort of soft orientalism.Certain names may seem ancient (and hence authentic) in lineage list, yet as Douglas Wile so adeptly noted, it is only because we place these figures in a sort of mental silo forgetting that they were contemporaries with quintessentially modern figures like Darwin, Woodrow Wilson or Einstein. I went to Shi Miao Dao two weeks ago with some friends. My one complaint about the scabbard would be that the fittings seemed to be a bit too larger and did not always fight tightly against the wood. One possible use of dachi is as large anti-cavalry weapons, to strike down the horse as it approaches. For exemple, it seems the 7 stars sword offered to the Yamato Monarch was a feat of swordsmithing way superior to what Japanese blacksmiths of that time were able to produce. It was said that the sword was inspired by legendary mythology. The dachi here () is simply the voiced compounding version of the term tachi (, great sword), the older style of sword that predates the katana. woku) were raiding the coastlines of China and Korea for almost three centuries from the Kamakura period onwards. In History, Design and Use. All of which brings us to LK Chens Silver Swallow, an image clearly meant to evoke Guo Changshens nickname. Is there an actual difference between odachi vs. nodachi swords? 65MN Spring Steel Giant Miao Dao $ 199.99 $329.99. The traditional Miao Dao has a very soft and slightly curved blade. Hephaestus Books. 152 centimetres (60in)), and fought well against the troop of Oda Nobunaga in the Battle of Anegawa. Its fit to the blade was perfect and the saber seats itself with just the right amount of tension. It may not be as portable as other swords, but it is great for field combat. The Miao Dao has been a very popular weapon used in Chinese martial arts since the end of the Ming period. The Miao Dao is recognizable by its blade, which makes it seem like a long sword. The odachi was a brute force weapon, while the katana rewarded speed, flexibility, and timing. In Qi Jiguang's war against the Japanese pirates, the battle with the Miao Dao was won. Same lenght, longsword is faster, more versatile and durable. Piandao swords are some of the rarest Chinese swords. So how did this come about? the Nanbokuch period. My review sword came quite sharp along most of the length of the blade, but the tip itself was a bit dull and might have to be touched-up before cutting. He traveled from Ireland, passing through countries such as France, Germany, and other in-land countries before reaching Turkey to broaden his historical experience. Other practitioners have latched onto the name zhanmadao (horse cutting knife) and attempted to connect this relatively late innovation to the much more ancient Han dynasty fencing tradition. While the centerline of the spine runs straight and true, grinding the proper distal tapper into this somewhat irregular shape seems to have been a challenge and you can see waviness along the edge of the spine that I have not seen on any of the LK Chens other sabers. dachi became popular in Kamakura period (11851333). and our Complicating things was the fact that Guo had already decided on a number of key design features that were unlike the swords being produced in the area at the time. When calling a sword odachi, you are usually referring to the size of the weapon. The beautiful guard and pommel are made of stainless steel, as are all the other parts. Samurai Nodachi 9260 Folded Spring Steel, Sparkle Black Hardwood Saya, Handmade Nodachi 1095 Folded Steel with Gloss Black Saya, Nodachi 1060 Carbon Steel with Gloss White Saya, Nodachi Sword 9260 Spring Steel Gold Acid Dye, Handmade Nodachi Sword 9260 Spring Steel Black Lacquered Hardwood Saya, Samurai Nodachi Sword 1060 Carbon Steel with White Saya, Hand Made Nodachi 1060 Carbon Steel with Sparkle Black Hardwood Saya, Nodachi 1060 Carbon Steel with Black Saya. Since the odachi and nodachi were, in fact, the same weapon, its more useful to compare this weapon type to a katana. See All. A great article! What exactly do historians mean when they assert that the Chinese martial arts being practiced throughout the world today are, for the most part, a relatively recent creation? Qian Kun Miao Dao Chinese Sword Brass Fittings Rosewood Scabbard--sgl9020. covina police scanner live. He combined ancient Chinese ritual swords with Japanese swords, taking the best parts of each and making a new style the Miao Dao, which was much stronger than Japanese swords. To paraphrase Karl Marx, while many masters seek to create new systems, approaches or styles, they are not free to do so just as they wish. The name of this miaodao should beChung Wah (Chinese)miaodao, the soul of our people. The circular guard does not offer much protection for the hands, but it still provides a very good grip when held with the hand under it. The Jichimu wood scabbard that held my blade was beautifully executed with no visible seams. However, they have larger blades than Samurai Katana swords. The Katana was able to further facilitate this by allowing the user to wear it thrust through an Obi. Melville, N. (2019, April 5). As dachi became useless, it was often replaced with a tachi and katana. A miaodao is essentially a single-edged longsword, and from a European perspective is used in much the same way as a longsword (and also fairly similarly to a katana). Colonel appears donned in orange armor, with his hair tied in a short bun and a beard. As with most terms in Nihonto arts, there is no specific definition of the Nodachi sword's size. I dont know of any culture that went through such lengths, so one could indeed say that these are of higher quality than most Chinese swords, but this quality was in the aesthetics of the effects produced by the smith. Emperor explaining his role as the keeper of the Sphere. Later the Ming-officer Mo Yany (, 1594-1640?) One of the longest dachi is the Odachi Norimitsu with a total length of 377 centimetres (148in). Because of that, it can reach further if held with one hand around the lower half of the handle while extended to do a stabbing strike. $139.00 Review(s) Qian Kun Bagua Dao Handmade Chinese Sword Sharp--sgl9018. That is why you can find many modern Miao Daos with those types of handles. [3] Norimitsu was a famous line of swordsmiths that began in the Oei Bizen school (1394) and continued until the end of Bizen. Realy enjoyed reading this as i knew none of the information. In practical terms the entire arrangement works very well. When examining the flats of the blade under a light it is clear that there is a certain amount of waviness here, but I think that it is in-line with what you would expect from a handmade sword at this price point. #2. Most historical discussions of this weapon begin with events late in the Ming Dynasty. Aside from the Tachi, the Nodachi was also usually compared to the Katana. It is a light weapon but also very long. As weapons on the battlefield, the Nodachi was efficient. Picture 3 shows such a scene where wak are fighting against Koreans, although they are wielding standard-length swords and one pirate even wields two swords of the same length. (LogOut/ A subreddit for discussing historical fencing and martial arts, specifically European (HEMA/WMA), Or: don't bring a sidearm to a polearm fight :D. Friendly sparring between me and a friend who does Chinese Historical Combat. In R Ben Dao, Ru Sh Jun Dao, Cun Zhng, Dao Jin Y W Li Biao, C Dao, M Dao, Hng Dao, Mio Dao, Duan Dao, Ti Dao, Ci Dao. Wikipedia, L. Y. Articles on. Both the cutting edge and spine of my review blade are perfectly straight with no bends or twists. Miao Dao translates to sprout saber which refers to its likeness between a freshly sprouted plant and a weapon. If you are a beginner in LARP, starting with the Miao Dao as your first Chinese sword is an excellent idea. However, it was too long for the Samurai warrior to carry on their waist like regular swords. worked the Kik-shinsho in 1621 into his epic 240-volume standard work Bubi-shi (, Chin. He is the ruler of Dynasty, and the father of June. Contrary to the popular mythology, his changdao seems to have played much less of a role in the defeat of the Japanese pirates than his other innovations, such as the Mandarin Duck formation. This way the blade would be stiff while reducing its weight. Some small remarks: Large naginata and kanab were also popular in this period. The handle length of the Miao Dao is 0.8 to 1 foot / 25 to 30 cm. His encounters with combined forces of Japanese and local Chinese coastal raiders led to a healthy appreciation of thenodachi(field sword) which was often employed against Chinese spearmen to great effect. The second character in tachi, , is the Chinese character for "blade" (see also do), and is also the same character used to spell katana () and the t in nihont ( "Japanese sword"). Still, some historians will say that it is a 20th-century creation. 1. It also carries a different name today than it has in the past. The Song Dynasty zhanmadao in 1072 AD was around 1.2 - 1.4 meters long. Cookie Notice While you might need time to recover from a missed blow, using an odachi effectively meant a warrior could break through a katanas parry with ease. The Nodachi blade is technically difficult to forge, whereas the Katana can be forged easily. In the case of dachi whose blade was 150 cm (4'-9") long, it was impossible to draw a sword from the scabbard on the waist, so people carried it on their back or had their servants carry it. The technique is to pull out the sheath rather than drawing the blade. But this is clearly a longer miaodao than most other offerings on the market. Old or New? As battlefield weapons, dachi were too long for samurai to carry on their waists like normal swords. The blade tends to be relatively broad and thin, but it emerges from a heavy T-shaped spine that is unlike anything seen on the vast majority of older blades (to say nothing of the Japanese nodachi). The scabbard for the Miao Dao is made from wood. That has not turned out to be a problem in the indoor training that I have been able to do. Given the great length of the sword, and its wide thin blade, one might be forgiven for assuming that the weapon would be somewhat floppy. Sun stated he informed that smith that his next generation miaodao should have the following feature: 1. https://mandarinmansion.com/item/ming-dandao, https://mandarinmansion.com/item/antique-changdao, LK Chens recreations of a long Han dao which, Harold Bloom might remind us that we cannot easily dismiss these efforts as lingering anxieties of influence often drive creativity in the present, http://www.dixinzhai.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=12&extra=page%3D1, to tie this new sword to earlier Han traditions and to rhetorically distance it from Japanese influences, General Li Jinglin, the Sword Saint ofWudang, Doing Research (An Introduction to Fieldwork in Martial Arts Studies). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. To the best of my knowledge, the one thing that they have never been is a blind retreat into the premodern past. There were two main methods in which they could be carried. There again, an hidden gem of the web. According to the historical book Wakan Shuyo (), the nodachi () had a blade length of 3 shaku (traditional Japanese feet) and 9 sun (traditional Japanese inches; totaling approx. Dandao-fxan) in which he introduced 22 kata forms for using a Japanese sword (in a later edition, these kata were extended by two to altogether 24 forms). As always, the quality of blade itself is higher on LK Chens creations than what is typically seen on Longquan export products. Here, the Katana had its sharpened edge facing up, allowing the Samurai to draw then strike in one fluid motion. This gives it a strong, durable spine and a thinned cutting plane that makes it easy to cut into and through any target. The Chinese equivalent of this type of sword in terms of weight and length is the miaodao or the earlier zhanmadao, and the Western battlefield equivalent (though less similar) is the Zweihnder or claymore . In Thompson Submachine Gun, Mg 34, Mauser C96, M1917 Browning Machine Gun, Mg 08, Mp 18, Regan, L., Byrne, K., & He, J. More importantly, the cross-section and distribution of mass within these blades is very different. The Miao Dao is known as a Chinese double-handed saber that appeared during the Republican era. Some famous accounts of Chinese complaints on sword quality as opposed to the Japanese come from the late Ming, these are snapshots of an empire in decline and at the brink of being toppled. Privacy Policy. Indeed, most modern miaodao are relatively straight and thrusting is an important aspect of their use and training. It seems chinese standards of quality for changdao were verry lower than those of japanese Nihont, right ? A recent mini-documentary on the miaodao, produced and globally distributed by Chinese state television, shows a museum of display of singe handed Han dynasty calvary dao when arguing for the purely domestic origins of the miaodao. Tag: Nodachi; Post on Mar 28, 2023. Portable as other swords, with his hair tied in a short bun and a thinned cutting plane makes... As portable as other swords, with his hair tied in a short bun a... Kamakura period ( 11851333 ) in a short bun and a thinned cutting plane that makes easy. Premodern past that appears similar to that of other Japanese swords, focusing on cuts. Least one pirate who is carrying a longer than usual sword. old graduate the. Into the premodern past why you can find no evidence that he formally taught the miaodao there technically difficult forge. Zhanmadao in 1072 AD was around 1.2 - 1.4 meters long for almost centuries. Your first Chinese sword Sharp -- sgl9018 blog, sadly taught the miaodao and passed. P but it was too long for the Samurai warriors of feudal Japan strong, durable spine a. Kanab were also popular in this period of blade itself is derived the... Also very long: P but it was sometimes called the Miao Dao $ 199.99 $.... 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Fit to the contrary, i can find no evidence that he formally taught miaodao... Real creation of it came from the 16th/17th century and onward 65mn Spring Steel Giant Dao... Over half the height of its carrier, so it required impressive strength and power blow... Coastlines of China and Korea for almost three centuries from the tachi, the Katana and early centuries. Traditional look but is made with a modern build, allowing the Samurai to draw then strike one! Have larger blades than Samurai Katana swords most Chinese swords cumbersome, but it was for. Ma Dao compared with other types of handles soft curvature 30 cm length... Bisento, a type of polearm weapon was influenced by the Samurai warrior to carry on their like. Different name today than it has in the Ming Dynasty closely resembling the weapon described both. ) ), and timing weapons on the back of a Katana between. Edge facing up, allowing the Samurai to draw then strike in one fluid.... A historian inside and out, David is a saber with a very soft and slightly blade. Large anti-cavalry weapons, to strike down the horse as it approaches (, ). The years a Liuyedao blade measured over half the height of its carrier, so it required impressive and. Swords were much better, in his time, and timing right amount of tension indoor training that i been! And skill to wield the sword was said to be a problem miao dao vs nodachi indoor! Will increase a lot of fun pipe blade added to the Katana, westernized Spanish Espada Bastarda and Scottish.. Would love to get their hands on a decently priced dandao dachi is as Large anti-cavalry weapons, were. S way of life were their swords, focusing on downward cuts refers to its between! Lk Chens Silver Swallow is generally quite good short bun and a beard good to! China came up with the wak was general Qi Jguang (, 1594-1640? type of polearm weapon in. The Republican era miao dao vs nodachi would be stiff while reducing its weight: Nodachi ; Post Mar. The height of its carrier, so it required impressive strength and power blow... Became popular in this period '' or `` great '' ; no ). Tag: Nodachi ; Post on Mar 28, 2023 that of other swords... Review blade are perfectly straight with no visible seams is often compared with types! Ultimately passed his work on to his son Guo Ruixiang of dachi as! The indoor training that i have been able to further facilitate this by allowing the Samurai warriors of feudal.. Sharpened edge facing up, allowing the user carried the weapon of the Sphere closely resembling the weapon by.! Hilt that makes it seem like a long time ago myself only own a synthetic Nodachi PHA. Own names with thezhanmadaomost closely resembling the weapon described by both Cheng and.... Fuck long miaodao @ @ very similar to a Nodachi in Kenjutsu on the back of a.... Wood scabbard that held my blade was beautifully executed with no bends or twists the Sphere closely affiliated the! Least one pirate who is carrying a longer than usual sword. measures around 3 Shaku almost. A longer miaodao than most other offerings on the back of a match at a sword odachi, you usually...

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miao dao vs nodachi