vscode parameter hints not working

If true, only error notifications will pop out. // Synchronize keybindings for each platform. // - never: Never seed search string from the editor selection. You can change these settings in your settings.json file as described in User and Workspace Settings. // Convert URL-like text to links in the Markdown preview. Even when disabled, extensions will still be able to cause ports to be forwarded, and opening some URLs will still cause ports to forwarded. // Controls whether the editor should allow moving selections via drag and drop. all Show inlay hints for all arguments. // Controls whether editor file decorations should use badges. Disable automatic background update checks. // When enabled, Outline shows `enum`-symbols. Further up and down navigation will traverse only the highlighted elements. // Glob patterns that specifies files that trigger automatic link updates. // - diff: Show the inline diff Peek view on click. // Controls whether filtering and sorting suggestions accounts for small typos. // Overrides editor syntax colors and font style from the currently selected color theme. Modified settings are indicated with a blue line similar to modified lines in the editor. How do you format code in Visual Studio Code (VSCode)? // Controls whether turning on Zen Mode also puts the workbench into full screen mode. // - interval: Line numbers are rendered every 10 lines. // - beforeWhitespace: Autoclose brackets only when the cursor is to the left of whitespace. "workbench.editor.enablePreviewFromCodeNavigation". Note that name suggestions are always disabled in JavaScript code that is semantically checked using `@ts-check` or `checkJs`. // Controls how suggestions are pre-selected when showing the suggest list. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter". // - shrink: A pinned tab shrinks to a compact fixed size showing parts of the editor name. // - quotes: Surround with quotes but not brackets. // Run npm commands with the `--silent` option. The Settings editor Search bar has several filters to make it easier to manage your settings. "workbench.preferredHighContrastColorTheme". // Plays a sound when a task is completed. `co -> console` and `con -> const`. This setting only has an effect when `window.titleBarStyle` is set to `custom`. // Controls whether GIT_ASKPASS should be overwritten to use the integrated version. // - commandWithGroup: Command title prefixed by its group. "terminal.integrated.automationProfile.osx". Should be used as an alternative to 'launch.json' that is shared across workspaces. // Automatically scroll the interactive window to show the output of the last statement executed. // Controls whether the editor should render control characters. // Insert semicolon at end of line when completing CSS properties. // - never: Never rename paths and don't prompt. // Controls if format on save formats the whole file or only modifications. // Controls the behavior the 'Go to References'-command when multiple target locations exist. Files are displayed before folders. More recently opened entries appear first. // - auto: Use platform APIs to detect when a Screen Reader is attached. // - multiline: Turn on Find in Selection automatically when multiple lines of content are selected. There are several other handy filters to help with searching through settings. `null` defaults to the `pre` tag. When tabs are enabled and two files have the same name in one group the distinguishing sections of each file's path are added. // Controls whether the editor should type over closing quotes or brackets. Content Discovery initiative 4/13 update: Related questions using a Machine VS code method documentation tooltip keyboard shortcut. There are three possible values: none Disable parameter inlay hints. // Controls the delay in milliseconds after which the hover is shown. This checks that the target files exists. Requires enabling `markdown.validate.enabled`. // - fullPath: Editors are ordered alphabetically by full path inside each editor group. // Plays a sound when the active line has a warning. // Enable/disable the ability to preview changes before renaming. You can further limit the scope to just those settings under the Appearance group in the table of contents on the left. // - default: Navigate across all opened editors and editor groups. A setting shows up under this filter if its value differs from the default value, or if its value is explicitly set in the respective settings JSON file. When enabled, the file contents of an editor that is saved will be stored to a backup location to be able to restore or review the contents later. // - always: Always open a repository in parent folders of workspaces or open files. // - compact: Menu is displayed as a compact button in the side bar. // - modifications: Format modifications (requires source control). Not applicable in stylesheets or when emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation is set to `"never"`. "less.completion.completePropertyWithSemicolon", "less.completion.triggerPropertyValueCompletion". // When enabled, will trim trailing whitespace when saving a file. A particular language extension may not support all the VS Code IntelliSense features. "-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe WPC', 'Segoe UI', system-ui, 'Ubuntu', 'Droid Sans', sans-serif". "terminal.integrated.minimumContrastRatio". Remove the workbench.colorCustomizations setting code block to return the line number color to the default. // Defines space handling after opening and before closing non-empty parenthesis. // Override the kind of an extension. Changes to settings are applied by VS Code as you change them. "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace". // - pnpm: Use pnpm as the package manager for running scripts. // Enable/disable snippet completions for class members. // - auto: Uses operating system specific path separation character. // Plays a sound when terminal Quick Fixes are available. Tip: The suggestions widget supports CamelCase filtering, meaning you can type the letters which are upper cased in a method name to limit the suggestions. // - staged: Check only for unsaved staged files. This feature lets you share settings, keyboard shortcuts, and installed extensions across your VS Code installs on various machines. // Controls the commit message subject length threshold for showing a warning. // - on: Create both build and watch tasks. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. // - boundary: Render whitespace characters except for single spaces between words. Open the settings.json file with the Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) command and you should see the error highlighted with red squiggles. On most non-retina displays this will give the sharpest text. // - never: Never show the folding controls and reduce the gutter size. "search.searchEditor.reusePriorSearchConfiguration". // Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. // - copyPaste: Copy when there is a selection, otherwise paste. For example, the File Explorer decides which files and folders to show or hide based on this setting. Though, if you have the workbench.settings.editor setting set to json, then the settings.json file opens with a new language entry where you can add applicable settings. This setting is overridden based on the file contents when `#editor.detectIndentation` is on. The secondary side bar will show on the opposite side of the workbench. // Enables prompting of users to use the TypeScript version configured in the workspace for Intellisense. More Info Version History Q & A Rating & Review Parameter Hints Shows the parameter name of the called function Supported languages * Javascript Javascript React Typescript Typescript React PHP * Feel free to contribute Settings Colors // Set default properties that are applied to all ports that don't get properties from the setting `remote.portsAttributes`. // - hidden: The insert actions don't appear anywhere. // Controls if editor groups can be split from drag and drop operations by dropping an editor or file on the edges of the editor area. Sign in If you are still missing IntelliSense features after installing a language extension, open an issue in the repository of the language extension. You can also view the default values in the Settings editor or see a read-only version of the defaultSettings.json via Preferences: Open Default Settings (JSON). // - hide: Hide the Table of Contents while searching. // A set of messages that when encountered in the terminal will be automatically responded to. // VS Code loads custom data on startup to enhance its HTML support for the custom HTML tags, attributes and attribute values you specify in the JSON files. // - default: Files and folders are sorted by their names. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `constructor`-suggestions. // Controls the condition for turning on Find in Selection automatically. For example, `c` on `Console` or `WebContext` but not on `description`. // When enabled, the editor will attempt to guess the character set encoding when opening files. // Traces the communication between VS Code and the CSS language server. Automatic type acquisition fetches `@types` packages from npm to improve IntelliSense for external libraries. "css.lint.unknownVendorSpecificProperties". Use 0 to compute the line height from the font size. VSCode is one such editor that has gained immense popularity among developers due to its efficiency, flexibility, and extensive library of extensions. // Controls the minimum size of a file in MB before asking for confirmation when opening in the editor. // - keep: The editor will keep the current line's indentation. // Controls which protocol is used to clone a GitHub repository. Can a rotating object accelerate by changing shape? Currently, only inlay hints provided by TypeScript are supported. // Controls whether the terminal tabs view will hide under certain conditions. "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionReviveProcess". // The number of items to show in the Timeline view by default and when loading more items. // - fullscreen: Open new windows in full screen mode. Note that this depends on extensions opting into this feature. // Controls whether to use your global gitignore file (for example, from `$HOME/.config/git/ignore`) when searching for files. // Controls font size of inlay hints in the editor. This setting will currently be ignored if either `terminal.integrated.shell.osx` or `terminal.integrated.shellArgs.osx` are set. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses. Example values: // - 1: Do nothing and use the standard theme colors. // - crash: Sends OS level crash reports. // When set to true, commits will automatically be fetched from the default remote of the current Git repository. // Controls whether the terminal will leverage the GPU to do its rendering. "workbench.activityBar.iconClickBehavior". // Controls whether the Explorer should support undoing file and folder operations. // - vertical: Editors are positioned from top to bottom. // Line height of the output text within notebook cells. // Remember the last git command that ran after a commit. Why is current across a voltage source considered in circuit analysis but not voltage across a current source? // When enabled notebook outline shows code cells. Simply using the gcc provided by homebrew did the trick. A list of previously opened windows with unsaved files can be accessed via `File > Open Recent > More`, // - onExitAndWindowClose: Hot exit will be triggered when the last window is closed on Windows/Linux or when the `workbench.action.quit` command is triggered (command palette, keybinding, menu), and also for any window with a folder opened regardless of whether it's the last window. All windows without folders opened will be restored upon next launch. // The default profile used on macOS. Language-specific user settings - Same as User settings, but specific to a language. What worked for me was adding "python.languageServer": "Pylance", in settings.json. // - upper: Uppercase names are grouped together before lowercase names. // Specifies the product icon theme used. For example, when modifying the user-scope diffEditor.codeLens setting while there is a @lang:css filter in the search widget, the Settings editor will save the new value to the CSS-specific section of the user settings file. // The modifier to be used to add multiple cursors with the mouse. // The option `"inMarkupAndStylesheetFilesOnly"` applies to html, haml, jade, slim, xml, xsl, css, scss, sass, less and stylus. // When enabled, new running processes are detected and ports that they listen on are automatically forwarded. Not all User settings are available as Workspace settings. Alternatively, one can directly type a language filter of the form @lang:languageId into the search widget. - CletusW Dec 18, 2020 at 6:43 Thanks, can confirm this woks, but, I changed it to ALT+P for convenience. Folders are displayed before files. All features of the Settings editor such as settings groups, search, and filtering behave the same for Workspace settings. // Controls whether a prompt is being shown before changes are committed to a protected branch. // Controls whether the Interactive Window sessions/history should be restored across window reloads. // If enabled, alt/option + click will reposition the prompt cursor to underneath the mouse when `editor.multiCursorModifier` is set to `'alt'` (the default value). // Shows the active terminal information in the view. For example: `vscode.csharp`. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Reference' is the current location. "editor.renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus". // When enabled IntelliSense shows `folder`-suggestions. You can configure language specific editor settings for multiple languages at once. // Controls whether snippets are shown with other suggestions and how they are sorted. For new paths, add file extensions. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingEmptyBraces". Only works before elements, not inside tags or for text. // - always: Highlights the active indent guide even if bracket guides are highlighted. // Show Errors & Warnings on files and folder. For example, if you typed co and then selected console, the next time you typed co, the suggestion console would be pre-selected. Pinned tabs are sorted to the beginning of all opened tabs and typically do not close until unpinned. "javascript.suggest.completeFunctionCalls". Existing `jsconfig.json` or `tsconfig.json` files override this setting. "editor.smartSelect.selectLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace". // Controls whether the Explorer should expand multi-root workspaces containing only one folder during initialization. // Defines space handling after function keyword for anonymous functions. // Controls whether file decorations should use badges. // Enable/disable inlay hints for implicit variable types: "javascript.inlayHints.variableTypes.enabled". // - off: Folders will replace the last active window. `ui` extensions are installed and run on the local machine while `workspace` extensions are run on the remote. `null` defaults to `"head, body, /html"`. // Local echo will be disabled when any of these program names are found in the terminal title. Enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the Debug Console. // When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine. // Controls the font size in pixels of the terminal. // Controls the location of the primary side bar and activity bar. // Controls if the centered layout should automatically resize to maximum width when more than one group is open. // Enables the macOS touchbar buttons on the keyboard if available. // Controls whether the editor has linked editing enabled. // Controls what version of Unicode to use when evaluating the width of characters in the terminal. You can edit via the Settings editor Workspace tab or open that tab directly with the Preferences: Open Workspace Settings command. // Configure links that should not be validated. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterConstructor". // - open: Always allow untrusted files to be introduced to a trusted workspace without prompting. // Ignore modifications to submodules in the file tree. // - smart: Adds a number at the end of the duplicated name. "javascript.format.insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators". // - both: Show decorations in the gutter (left) and overview ruler (right), // - gutter: Show gutter decorations to the left of the terminal, // - overviewRuler: Show overview ruler decorations to the right of the terminal, "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled". Set the `path` property manually with an optional `args`. "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion", "typescript.format.insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators", "typescript.format.insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis", "typescript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks", "typescript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions". // - prompt: Prompts whether to save editors before running. // - severity: Navigate problems ordered by severity, // - position: Navigate problems ordered by position. Added support for type hierarchies. "typescript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions", "typescript.suggest.classMemberSnippets.enabled", "typescript.suggest.completeFunctionCalls", "typescript.suggest.includeAutomaticOptionalChainCompletions", "typescript.suggest.includeCompletionsForImportStatements", "typescript.suggest.jsdoc.generateReturns". // When enabled breadcrumbs show `namespace`-symbols. This opens the Language Mode picker with an option Configure 'language_name' language based settings. Child patterns may contain several special tokens: // - `${capture}`: Matches the resolved value of the `*` from the parent pattern, // - `${basename}`: Matches the parent file's basename, the `file` in `file.ts`, // - `${extname}`: Matches the parent file's extension, the `ts` in `file.ts`, // - `${dirname}`: Matches the parent file's directory name, the `src` in `src/file.ts`, // - `*`: Matches any string, may only be used once per child pattern, "${capture}.js.map, ${capture}.min.js, ${capture}.d.ts", "package-lock.json, yarn.lock, pnpm-lock.yaml". These values exist: Sorting of suggestions depends on extension information and on how well they match the current word you are typing. // Enable/disable auto creation of quotes for HTML attribute assignment. Note: For a Multi-root Workspace, workspace settings are located inside the workspace configuration file. Visual Studio Code extension to quickly generate docstrings for python functions. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. // Configure settings to be overridden for the python language. // Controls whether to show the alert "The terminal process terminated with exit code" when exit code is non-zero. // Show variable values inline in editor while debugging. // When enabled, the diff editor shows arrows in its glyph margin to revert changes. // Specifies the local host name that will be used for port forwarding. // - on: Tab complete will insert the best matching suggestion when pressing tab. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. // - off: Disables all product telemetry. Set to 0, to be able to manually resize the view. // - never: Never saves editors before running. // - on: Show all symbols in the breadcrumbs view. // Controls whether the built-in HTML language support suggests HTML5 tags, properties and values. Today's VS Code basics: Parameter hintsWhen completing a function call, the parameter hint widget shows you the function signature along with documentation f. // - off: Do not store working changes in the cloud with Continue Working On unless the user has already turned on Cloud Changes. If some number is already part of the name, tries to increase that number. This enables copying and pasting using the regular terminal selection, for example, when mouse mode is enabled in tmux. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `enum`-symbols. // Controls whether terminal tab statuses support animation (eg. // - onWindowChange: An editor with changes is automatically saved when the window loses focus. via the File menu). // Controls the indentation of wrapped lines. // The number of spaces used for indentation or `"tabSize"` to use the value from `editor.tabSize#`. // - never: Never restore the terminal buffers or recreate the process. // - fit: Always keep tabs large enough to show the full editor label. // Controls where editors open. Disable this option to prevent macOS from creating a new space when going full-screen. // automatically scroll the interactive window sessions/history should be overwritten to use when evaluating the width of in... Window.Titlebarstyle ` is set to ` `` never '' ` terminal.integrated.shellArgs.osx ` are.... 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vscode parameter hints not working