explain the importance of discussing general office policies to patients

However, before anyone can be educated, there must be a desire to learn. Health education literature In addition, asking patients to change their time when previously they appeared quite irritated with the request would be an error. METHODOLOGY For example, if all expense reports are supposed to include itemized receipts (thats the policy), and all reports are to be submitted via a certain online system (thats the procedure) you can more quickly find those employees who arent submitting expense reports with itemized receipts. Compare the effect of a decline of 2% in the ROR to an increase of 2% in Although dire emergencies are rare in a chiropractic office, they do happen and your entire staff must be prepared to act calmly and decisively. During the course of the report, you should inform the patient of all anticipated practices, procedures, and consequences so that you can receive the patient's informed consent prior to any therapy. Opening, salutation, body, complimentary closing, reference initials, and signature Thats important because every company sets its own tolerance for risk. A steadily declining profit margin is an indication of either decreasing patient volume or increasing operating costs or both. Patient receipts Both of these functions must be taken seriously as a large investmentis often involved. A volume of cancelled appointments can severely effect office economics, as most doctors base their fees on anticipated patient volume and office expenses. Physicians mark charges for the day and indicate a diagnosis. call management, supervisor, superior, physical examinations require how much time, immunizations and prescription refills require how much time. The Office Computer If you are in town but out of the office, your assistant can simply state, "Dr. Brown is out of the office and is scheduled to be back by 2 o'clock this afternoon." NECESSARY CHANGES What new policies and procedures should be developed and implemented? If time allows, another patient who earlier desired an appointment but was unable to receive one can be notified of the opening. Typical data include general office policies (eg, sick leave, absenteeism, tardiness), and employee benefits (eg, holidays, vacations, insurance). People are human, and humans make mistakes. Have a labor or employment attorney review your policies and procedures for language and compliance issues. On the other hand, some doctors feel that an appointment should never be confirmed by telephone. A central storage facility reduces both inventory time and duplication of paperwork. Whatever the reason is for failing to meet a scheduled appointment, communications must be maintained so that positive action can take place. This is by far the better approach for the careful thinker for you know exactly where you are headed because success is specifically defined. When appropriate, entries are made for recall, thank you letters, etc, and entered either in the case record or another file. Some offices divide the correspondence file into two sections: incoming correspondence and copies of outgoing correspondence. Voice tone should reflect a friendly, alert, professional attitude. Basic Concepts. Utility companies The typical subjects covered are: Other economical procedures to consider are to use direct dialing whenever possible and avoid person-to-person calls. Trays, shelves, filing cabinets, and inside drawers also require periodic cleaning. Warning signs are seen when: In addition, such factors as your public relations program, patient indoctrination system, scope of clinical services, accounting system, and collection system should be appraised. Although professional printing houses have a large selection of case history forms to choose from, many doctors wish to design their own to meet their particular needs. We must cancel your appointment for next Wednesday. Sterile items should be protected while in storage, and appropriate instruments and supplies such as speculae, acupuncture needles, and specimen containers must be sterilized and kept aseptic prior to use. A special notation should be made for items that require considerable time between order and receipt. Contingency plans should be at hand to meet uncertain effects. What controls must be established to assure success? What is said and the way it is said is representative of you and your practice. Only in slipshod helterskelter offices will appointments be considered just names in the appointment book. * Phone number Documentation Boosts Productivity. Another way to phrase it: policies and procedures organize employees to behave in certain ways, which lets the business achieve its objectives more efficiently. Every office receives a large quantity of mail each day. A record should be kept of all cancelled appointments or "no shows" and their follow-up. Ultimately, the most important reason to have policies and procedures is that they help to build a stronger corporate culture. Courts will frequently recognize written records and not accept solely the verbal testimony of a professional witness. Introduction Such records must be referred to often during initial treatment and whenever the patient needs subsequent care. When callers receive an answering service, they have already suffered a let-down in reaching the coolness of the service when they were in need of help. 3.34). STATUS ASSESSMENT If room depth is a problem but wall space is not, cabinets can also be obtained in which folders can be stored sideways. Below is a list of records found in a typical chiropractic office: Address file or book Either move would create new data privacy obligations, which means new procedures to log onto systems and keep data safe. Correspondence concerning specific patients and copies of letters and reports relative to cases should be filed within the respective patient's case record folder. Reminder memos, letters, or cards Logical Scheduling. A letter received concerning two or more patients can be handled two common ways. You name and address can be imprinted on the purchase orders or rubber stamped at the office. MayIhelpyou?" A pleasant, well-modulated voice indicates freedom from strain and tension. The typical subjects covered are: Moreover, if employees keep coming to management asking for exceptions to policy, or complaining that a procedure is too onerousthats a warning sign that perhaps your policies and procedures are the anomalies, rather than reluctant employees. Could you come in Thursday?" In the event of your prolonged absence, you may wish to authorize an assistant to sign your name in routine correspondence, with the assistant's initials placed beside your signature. Many local chiropractic organizations also provide answering services as well as referral services for their members. Your receptionist's initial smile and friendly greeting are much more than a behavior pattern to be memorized. Reminder Calendars Were the case history, examination, and case plan presented in a professional manner? If your assistant cannot hear the caller clearly, she should use extra tact and courtesy. For the patient who habitually cancels, the charge is thought to be a motivation for regularity. (1) putting a cross-reference sheet under the name in the miscellaneous folder for the letter of the alphabet with which the name begins or Good plans are detailed programs that limit confusion of what should be done, where, at what time, and by whom. A daily record serves as a check on the receipt and disposition of mail that may get misplaced (Fig. If the subject is more important than the writer, the information is better filed by subject in an alphabetically indexed file. This will save valuable time. It's good policy to let the caller hang up first, else there is a risk of spoiling a pleasant conversation with a loud bang if the phone is not replaced gently. In most offices, laboratory and pathology reports are given top priority, followed by incoming checks, bank credit and debit memos, requests concerning patients, other requests, and bills, respectively. Professional Referrals. (4) when the patient complaints or signs of dissatisfaction become frequent. Ability to solve problems and decide quickly. Some doctors prefer to sign all letters. They feel that if plans are not made, discouragement can be avoided from failing to meet deadlines and expectations. In addition to the various business equipment previously discussed and common to most offices, computerized equipment offers special mention. The volume of patients scheduled for any one day or the openings present are solely the business of your appointment assistant, you, and other pertinent staff. X-Ray Films. The object is for an assistant to know what the doctor expects and what to expect from the doctor. Case history procedures Usually the best time to do this is at the end of the previous day or in the morning before the first patient arrives. OFFICE HOURS 15.99 ounces post cards letters and small packages. It should be reviewed annually by an assistant, and all letters 2--3 years old should be either destroyed or placed in storage according to your judgment. First words as first impressions have a lasting effect. Any wastebasket that may receive food particles, moisture, liquids, discarded adhesive tape, chemicals, etc, should be lined with Services are available today for the small office that were unheard of even for large offices only a few years ago. If the new patient was not referred by another individual but solely by location of the practice, an advertisement or publicity release of some sort, etc, this should be recorded so later evaluation of your practice's public relations program can be evaluated. Create a module named MyTriangle that contains Instruct your assistant to change the date of the meter the first thing each morning. SORTING AND PROCESSING patient (fever/cough) + prescription (refill). (3) loan payments are above forecasts, Which do you prefer? Assistant-Gathered Data. Naturally, a patient requiring several procedures will require more time than a patient receiving one or two procedures. * Stay close to appointment time ADVERSE TRAVELING CONDITIONS The master list is usually kept in a 3-ring binder with subdivisions differentiating such items as: To be efficient as a professional, delegate much of your authority and responsibility for many office details to assistants so that your time will be used optimally in doing that for which you have been specially prepared --helping the sick to get well and the healthy to stay well. Financial account records Provide the name of the acid that corresponds to the formula given in the following table. statements. Calls requiring back-up information (eg, lab reports) should be separated from those that do not. A caller should never receive an indecipherable response like "DrJohnson'soffice; MissAndrewsspeaking. One type of patient will be characterized by being referred by a satisfied patient. If the letter is a reply, it is helpful that the office copy of the original letter be attached. Thats just as important as encouraging acceptable behavior. The total of all duty schedules comprise the office's Procedural Manual. An example of a need for a cross-reference sheet in a subject file would be for a paper on "The Use of Ultrasound in Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder." An assistant should be trained to arrange for these consultations with the appropriate specialist's appointment secretary. With tact and sympathy for the patient's excuse for being late, the assistant should arrange a new appointment if the schedule will not allow the patient to be worked in. It is the chief way patients communicate with the provider. What will happen if no changes are made? In addition to the priority time for patient care, time should be allotted for necessary paperwork, planning, problem solving, research, study, emergency situations, community relations, and relaxation. To assure efficiency, each phase of your practice should be planned in detail and the phases coordinated with your overall objectives (Fig. When a telephone hour is formally specified, office policy usually requires that telephone appointments not be scheduled during that time nor are progress reports or inquiries accepted at times other than that specified. Accounts payable procedures As these are impossible requests to fulfill, they are sometimes called nuisance calls. Which do you prefer? Shipment Errors. * encryption, * Website reliability: association sites, gov't websites Presorting. For quick reference, sectional data are filed alphabetically according to subject and listed within a general index in the back of the book. Because people meet unexpected problems, occasional tardiness must be accepted as a part of reality. Staff home phones Assistants should be taught that patients in severe pain should always take precedence over scheduled patients. Requests Requiring Multiple Action. * Attend to patient needs Although the patient is left to his own volition, you should plant the seeds of what should be done. It is always important to create a pleasing tone for the patient to be comfortable. For example, your assistant in charge of scheduling may have just talked to Mrs. Anderson and told her that next Monday at 3 pm would be open for her daughter. Credit,cash or some form of payment; DOB (ID) social and birth certificate. Such rationalization leads to ruin; such thinking cruises like a ship without a rudder. Regularity. * Avoid monotone A cross-reference filing system is necessary in addition to the types mentioned for a numerical indexing system and a subject file. Even in solo practice, a communications gap can exist between doctor and assistant. Let's arrange an appointment for Thursday or Friday so that you can discuss this with Dr. Anderson and avoid any recurrence of this problem. The more unstable a patient's personality, the more important it is that the patient be periodically reminded of appointment policy. Positive initial and continuing impressions are an integral part of developing and maintaining a successful practice. It is critical in health care because the data are highly confidential and the absence of accurate facts may jeopardize appropriate patient care. Second, confusion results when patients have the same first, middle, and last name. It is good policy to have a simple daily record kept of all important mail sent out of the office each day that requires action by another person. * Redirect phone to office For further information, contact the Sales & Service Department of the American Chiropractic Association. (2) those that require the doctor's personal attention; and The various rooms can be prepared for patients, telephone answering service messages can be recorded, and equipment checks can be made. Regardless of who does the recording, accuracy and completeness must be above criticism. Thus, proper training of assistants in correct telephone technique is essential. Current case records, inactive case records, subject files, correspondence files, tickler files, public relations files, and financial records, for example, may be filed in separate cabinets or within the same cabinet as space permits. Such a reference removes guesswork and helps greatly in orienting new employees. LEVEL OF DEBT Assistants should be taught that phrases such as "Good morning," "Good afternoon," or "May I help you?" A supplies purchasing control sheet is helpful in quickly reviewing the purchase history of an item and offering basic reorder information. Catalogs. One survey indicates that less than 6% of new patients will be referred by sources other than present patients. Basic Concepts To most, it's very annoying. Daily financial control sheets As the number of hours required and the courses and seminars approved vary from state to state, contact should be made with the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners for specific information. The goal for both you and your assistant should be a smooth flow of patients with as little loss of time and effort as possible. Let me arrange an appointment for you on Thursday at 10 am or Friday at 3 pm. Management and Delegation but if the person who answers the phone is not polite, potentially leading to the loss of patients, * Write carefully Any holding delay should be short. MEETINGS After your practice has been in operation for several years, it is possible to have your appointment schedule filled in advance 95% of the time. Approved programs are usually listed periodically in the state chiropractic association's communications. You exert significant influence over what services your patients receive, you control the documentation describing what services they actually received, and your documentation serves as the basis for bills sent to insurers for services you provided. The consequences are inevitable. That gives a sense of all the ways you should assess your policies and procedures to see whether circumstances have changed so much that your policy manual deserves an update. Each doctor has preferences of what type of calls should be handled by an assistant and what calls the doctor wishes to take personally. There is always danger in discouraging patients if they are forced to wait an unreasonable length of time. Caller: Do I have to be x-rayed? As appointments should be scheduled according to the services rendered, this offers better accommodation for the various types of consultations, examinations, therapies, or quick tests necessary that might require 50-minute, 35-minute, or 10-minute scheduling. Subconsciously, many fear making specific plans. WHEN YOU ARE NOT IN THE OFFICE Other information most important to technical assistants are the established clinical procedures and samples of pertinent forms. An annual assessment is not a control, it is only a postmortem review of past accomplishments. It is good policy to always use the name of the patient in the opening statement. Such a ledger is usually kept at the appointment desk when you are not on calls so that your assistant can schedule efficiently. Document Routing Slips. Other regulators around the world also stress the importance of policies in the workplace. Purchasing and inventory controls are separate elements that are closely related. (b) If the loop is placed in a magnetic field B=1.5TB=1.5 \mathrm{~T}B=1.5T, with \boldsymbol{\mu} perpendicular to B\mathbf{B}B, what is the torque on the loop? What controls must be established to assure success? It is the price we must pay to assure our future. If it was an oversight, the patient may just be embarrassed to call for another appointment. Start with the big picture When speaking with patients, it's helpful to frame what you're saying in a way that drives major points home. While community standards are important considerations, they should not be the sole factor to consider. Basic Tax Planning To be sure of the name of the caller, your assistant should repeat it one or two times during the conversation. Compose professional business letters 10. Most doctors wish to keep all case, legal, financial, and tax records regardless of the statutes of limitations. But fundamentally, policies and procedures allow the organization to hold employees (and third parties) accountable for unacceptable behavior. Routine Calls Active, inactive, and former patient files are usually placed in an alphabetical file where the folders are placed behind alphabetical tab dividers. Calls to "No-Shows" should be made approximately an hour or less after the patient was due. she calls to report that she is out of two of her regular medications, has been running a fever for two days. Steadily increasing levels of debt can usually be traced to decreasing patient volume, poor collections, low profit margin, increasing expenses, or overinvestment in fixed assets. Monthly safety inspections of your entire office is the best insurance you can have. Office policy differs widely whether clinical correspondence should be filed with the patient's records or if the correspondence should be filed in a separate folder under the name of the individual, institution, or company, in alphabetical order. Day Sheets She must also mark out all those days when it is known that you will not be in the office for such reasons as seminars, vacations, and other predictable absences. The majority of practitioners feel that legitimate progress reports and inquiries should be encouraged. When everyone is following policies and procedures, your organization can run smoothly. Make eye contact when appropriate and help your patient feel comfortable with you. So as vague as the phrase policies and procedures might be, strong policies and procedures are hugely important. 8. contact person No practice can survive if it depends solely upon referrals from location, the yellow pages, or other influences. (2) examination, and critical information required when creating patient appointments: 1. name of the patient. You must inform the patient of all anticipated practices and procedures and receive the patient's consent prior to any necessary examination or therapy. Any discussion of a patient's diagnosis, therapy, or prognosis is strictly taboo for an assistant unless specifically directed to do so by you. This is Miss Andrews. Perception becomes shortsighted ("brush-fire" management), and the emphasis is on procedures that are designed to safeguard survival. questions regarding our policies. Each new procedure or modified procedure should be based on general guidelines (policies) from which specific procedures can be developed and meshed with other policies and procedures. First and foremost, a business needs policies and procedures to meet the standards of an effective compliance program, as outlined by the U.S. Justice Department. When asking questions about a patient's symptoms, your assistant should be taught to never minimize the patient's problems. This will assure that the proper size tube or envelope is at hand when the films are returned. This is an unpleasant task, but it is much better than for patients to arrive and find the office door locked. a format for establishing a time schedule for appointments Modified wave scheduling patients in the last 30 minutes at 10-20 minute intervals obliterated to blot out; leave no trace; destroy open hours No scheduled appointments, patients sign upon arrival and are seen by the provider in that order. CONSULTATION APPOINTMENTS Even taking advantage of the telephone company's discount time periods will make a difference. If the patient should call and request an appointment for later that day, the appointment should be made if an opening is available. It has gone far beyond. While the case history indicates the patient's health status at the time of the initial visit, progress records indicate the patient's state of health at subsequent points in time. Policy and Procedural Changes As some patients write checks with a minimum of funds in the bank, all checks received should be processed and deposited daily. On the other hand, a credit procedure defines the methods and systems by which the credit policy will be executed such as how charges will be recorded, how and when statements will be mailed, how records will be filed, how overdue accounts will be processed, and other such management and administrative methods. 2023 GAN Integrity Inc. All rights reserved. HOUSE CALL APPOINTMENTS It offers an excellent method to follow-up correspondence requests waiting a reply, matters that are referred to others for action, orders for periodic purchases, and promises made for future action. (Why not? Likewise, you must expect the patient to cooperate by following your recommendations. Special situations Appointment cards If the patient reports that he feels so good that he doesn't believe another appointment is necessary at this time, the assistant might respond, "That's wonderful that you're feeling so much better, Mr. Smith. OPENING ROUTINES The telephone company is not above error; thus, your monthly toll statement should be reviewed carefully prior to payment. Planning and time management are learned behavior patterns. Employees should arrive in the morning well in advance of patients so that preparation can be made for arriving patients. HMO-requires subscribers to use network providers. Following are some essential attributes the front office staff must have . Employees working in factories whose employment requires a rotating shift pose a problem in maintaining a regular appointment schedule. Lack of respect may be the result of the patient's personality, negative environmental factors, or negative conditioning. Notations are made on the file cards, and the cards are filed according to the date the matter requires attention. Alert control requires periodic assessment via numerous checkpoints and frequent analyses. * Set phones to answering service. An assistant should first interview all salespeople unknown to you and request basic literature for your review. Patients of this nature will nod their head up and down during a detailed presentation. by Corporate Relations and Business Strategy Staff. Doctors base their fees on anticipated patient volume and office expenses behavior pattern to be memorized get misplaced Fig. Time between order and receipt arrive and find the office door locked of.! Much time critical in health care because the data are highly confidential and the emphasis is on procedures are., they should not be the result of the telephone company 's discount time periods will make a.! 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explain the importance of discussing general office policies to patients