z recaster catalogue 2019

Now lets say in this situation I have a friend who plays WH and hes a recaster, and he can get me that same army for $50. Prices go up. Changed their name many times, now operating via email sending emails with links to the actual catalog. You know what happens? Maybe it will work for them but I think they are pushing away many potential newcomers to the hobby which is the future. Youre a thief. I have about 400 original models and tons of scenery stuff etc so ive spent a fortune. Nice article, only preaching to converted. The 9th Edition of 40k is going to be open and crowd sourced by the players, for the players, for the betterment of the game instead of lining GWs pockets. It leaked that it costs Games Workshop about $5-$7 per a box of Marine Tac squad. I look forward to you trying that defence in court. As Infringements Assistant, you will assist with all things relating to infringements. Yes. The person being greedy here is you. The difficult thing is to develop a miniature from scratch, starting with an idea that begins with just a few pencil strokes on paper. the books are out there the rules are out there, it would be like if Monopoly was suddenly no longer made every one knows the rules and can build their own board quit being GW fan boys they dont give a shit about you. This had to be done because it was nearly impossible to identify many of the pieces that came attached to large blobs of resin. there was articular about how GW buys there cast from Chinese companys and they over order and then decide not to pay for amount they decide they no longer need. Back to the content 'Desu Korps of Kreig'. I dont want to be pointing finger, but we cannot choose to ignore part of IP basic principles, and focus on some others. Back in 2018, we saw a similar scene as well: So it appears after raising their prices on Forge World overnight by 20%, or more in some cases, Games Workshop may have started to go after Warhammer recaster companies located in China directly this holiday season. You say illegal a lot. I have original models, but only because I discovered only recently about recast and I will definitely go this way. 20+ years of Warhammer and I only found out about recasts a few months ago. Lets say I want a cheap 1k starting army, but Im a college kid who cant justify the outrageous cost ($250 minimum, plus the hobby equipment and paint for at least $300 min). They had major financial crisis, had to take crazy decisions Gone! You can call people that buy recasts thieves I hope you enjoy your elitist hobby with the few people that can afford to play it. Without remorse, there was a supplier that recasted the catalog of Games Workshop and Forgeworld reselling it at a ridiculous price. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'spikeybits_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',634,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-spikeybits_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Mix Your Paint In Seconds! Thatll add on the time it takes to pour the resin, and remove it. Appealing to modelers if futile in my opinion, there is not enough power in that argument to change buying habits. even once all my returns have been replaced by forgeworld the model is still of a lower quality than the recast. I perfectly understood is time wasted, but something in me hope you understood the type of scum you and your friend are. Obviously, as you will see now, the original copy hasvery good quality in every detail. This sort of effect makes even more sense in model games, particularly WH. The analogies used are baseless. GW has serious plastic and great details, FW does not. At a glance, recasts appear quite similar, but when looked at closely, important flaws become evident. We are actually preparing another post about that specific issue you are mentioning because that is a topic that will also lead to a huge discussion! But if they got a fund together and I am sure there are enough lawyers between hobbyists that can support it pro bono. Although you will see the very evident differences, during this comparison you will find the original piece on the left pictures and the recast to the right. Salaries of their employees are probably atrociousand, above all, they undermine the business of proper companies endangering their countinuity. It's generally frowned upon. When Games Workshop uses ONLY domestic materials and employees, thats when Ill stop augmenting my official purchases with personal recasts. We pay so that the company we like so much is able to surpriseus again in the future with yet another piece to continue enjoying our hobby. The current situation especially benefits those people who kept their stuff in boxes rather than paint/assemble/game with them, essentially those who buy the product but dont take part in the hobby. or have you forgotten about the atrocious quality that was Citadel Finecast, here despite the shit quality we still saw an increase in price. You think they magically pump out miniatures at just the cost of supplies you are an idiot. Youre not automatically entitled to them. There are many families, people and brands that struggle hard every day to bring you new and spectacular figures and products. Its inevitable anyways in the next 5 years with 3D printing. The cheap cost of resin you mention would only be associated with recasters. Just as with Lietpold, the amount of resin and burrs it has is endless, making it especially difficult to find out what belongs to the model and what is left over. The elitism of GW is a prime example; They go so far as not allowing official models in their store tourneys, even when a reasonable counts-as. All I can say is that the metal quality is horrible. There are so many classic wfb models Id love to buy, but the second hand market is just crazy since aos happened and some models are just near impossible to find, even if you have the money. Shortcuts: "C" opens comments. Personally I would like to see new players pick it up and have the hobby flourish. On average every 30 recasts bought is one less miniature to the market. GW going out of business would be the best thing in the world for the hobby. It is the same, in my opinion, as downloading movies and music that you havent paid for the right to see. I havent bought any GW recasts yet but I support it because if it eventually hurts GW enough that they reevaluate their business practices and lower their prices, that will bring more people into the hobby and overall gaming will be better. Theyre entitled to make a profit sure and Im entitled to shop around. When GW sells the same models in Australia for 60-90% more than the US for no good reason it is hard to feel sorry for them. You have entered an incorrect email address! What about sculptors that, due to their skill got pay really good money, what about shopfloor operatives, what about other staff, customer service bills etc. So the person being greedy here is you. Another person trying to justify theft plain and simple if you dont like the prices dont play the game there are plenty of other great options out there at the moment. . You are completely right about this. There wouldnt BE re-castes is the prices were reasonable in the first place. Recaster Z is the lowest cost and highest inventory overall, with a bit of a cut on quality. You stole the profits from a miniature company that puts food on their table, heats their homes, takes their kids to sports events/cinema (more on this in a min)/etc. Let us know in the comments of ourFacebook Hobby Group,and make sure youenter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! Its material has still some margin for manipulation, as opposed to the one in the recast copy. And its not Hollywood that is getting killed. Its about supporting companies that support your interests by creating models and figures you enjoy. Imo it tells me that they severely overprice their products for maximum GP. We cant do anything but have thought experiments because unlike other companies, GW wont discuss the affects of recasting and no one has published any kind of reasonable peer reviewed study. Games workshop has an extremely bad ethic towards its pricing, I saw a comparison of two kits, with a near identical amount of plastic used for the construction and both were released in the same time frame and likely designed side by side. Look at Rackham from 10 years ago. But, from my experience, smaller manufactures like Andrea, and Pegaso, and Scibor, and Blacksmith, etc. You will create reports for the business to be discussed at monthly infringement meetings. clearly you have no idea about running a business you think that when you buy a model you pay just for resin ? For legit business there is high quality resin, concept art, sculpting fees, box art, advertising and labour, please dont minimise this with a flipant statement. Recasts and piracy, in general, is suddenly on the rise across the hobby as a whole, as other manufacturers and independent artists are also starting to take a hit. Its partly to do with inflation, but mostly due to the declining numbers of people going. 2K. Right now, a few companies simply stopped selling to Russia as their figures instantly get listed on pirated stores. Its common knowledge, but still kind of a secret. And people have stopped going because why spend 20 on a family trip to the cinema (10 years ago) when you can get the movie for free. This is no reason to price them with a disparity of 15-20 thats just a poor outlook. Your supporting a criminal enterprise plain and simple which is slowly killing the hobby will these re casters spend time and money designing rule books and fluff? Greedy company? Since GW is in China, they are rocking hard, privateer press and corvus belli also understood that, so instead of making your products unavailable for some countries like this one, you should learn to work with them instead, because like it or not, they always find a way in, and as said earlier, its not from the one you think. western companies sell out their own customers and citizens with foreign labor then cry about IP, its a joke. I mean even though its hella shady its much easier to just buy a cheaper version of the model even if its a knockoff. A movement has started to help raise awareness about the loss of income these folks have started to experience recently. I think theres one thing that need to be said here regardless of ip. Because without these proper companies, our industry would never evolve and improve, and we would probably go back to painting flat detail-less DIY miniature soldiers (with all my respects towards them). I have also had some which are close if not flawless. GW copycat ideas from sourses like Terminator,Alien, Dungeons and Dragons and what not. The more people there are who are anticipating the reveal of new stuff are there because there is an established community and it only gets better the bigger the community is. Im having to search now forgeworld has stop so many horus heresy models. But there is a thing Id wish to point out, its the Chinese stigmatisation I am french living in China for about ten years now, and Chinese bashing is just a constant thing I hear from most of westerners and is absolutely not right either. Those are the nice guys who brought us age of sigmar, which made great armys obsolete and huge investmenst of time and money into them void. then those models end up being resold to people on ebay and those are usally ones you see in bulk packages on ebay with out the boxes and sheets. Their miniatures are good-quality. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Exactly so. From the beginning thought of a new model in their head to putting it on paper, and into real life. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/09/eu-study-finds-piracy-doesnt-hurt-game-sales-may-actually-help/. It didnt take long for GW to take action, and after a while it became nearly impossible to find these copies online. Age of Sigmar is more popular than WFB was. GW can produce, package, sculpt, advertise etc a box of Cadian Shock Troops for 20. It is our aim to be an inclusive and wholesome place for all. There was a study by the EU relating to video games that piracy helped games sell better. Now it raise an other thing literally pissing me off if I may, due to that misinformation, we legit hobbyist/painters in China are also punished with blatant racism by most of the European brands (especially those from Spainsorry guys). This is exacerbated by them constantly suing companies for IP infringement like the Spot the Spacemarine case. We pay for quality in finishes and materials, and the most important ofall: I get that its not just the model, the companies have huge overheads prior to selling a model. No? If you order anything that is not titan sized you get all the same issues the recasts have. They should be 30% of that and maybe nobody would copy that. My issue is the price, these limited edition models ie: Eisenhorn, Sly, some of the Primaris models are just crazy expensive in comparison. If you dont have the money to afford models, dont buy them. Lately all brands have seen how our creations are being reproduced illegally and without any scruples in a massive way. Is it okay to create my own miniatures if they are not a product that Games Workshop creates or has any copyrights on? Or rather, do they produce miniatures with base polystyrene produced in highly toxic factories in China and Vietnam? They take all the financial risk to give a miniature its origin, why shouldnt they be entitled to make an honest living? Despite every measure taken, with the evolution of websites and social networks, recasting has become nearly unstoppable. See our, and recently hired an infringements assistant. We see three key points to avoid these false copies: And if after reading this article you want to do something positive about this, its quite easy actually. The other aspect is quality of product, I know a lot of LoTR players would rather buy metal recasts from ebay rather than finecast versions of originally metal models from gw (basically all the elite troops were switched from metal to finecast when finecast first came out, so its not even the improved finecast). Thats the total cost for them, packaging, payroll, the lot. So, no, thats straight up greed, and while morally not as bad as 700% increase on the cost of pharmaceuticals, its the same mindset. I have no remorse whatsoever for GW. Save Money On All These Alternative Miniatures. As evidenced with comments, for a lot of folk price is the issue and they will choose alternative, albeit poor quality. It is very bad quality, hard plastic etc. Wait how is this killing the hobby ? is it going to cause the game to completely vanish if the company were to shut down ? Totally agree with you, its morons like them who are putting a nail in the coffin of our hobby, I bought a recast by mistake off eBay, I thought I was buying a genuine Pegaso figure, when it arrived I knew instantly of the mistake Id made, everything that is bad in a casting was plain to see, the main thing being it should have been cast in white metal and was instead a poor resin cast instead, thankfully eBay took action and swiftly booted this pirate off. Recasting gives these filthy companies a taste of their own medicine. Seriously, those copies are better quality than originals looking only on those pictures. But Netflix absorbed a lot of people, including the extremely low population of pirates, who just wanted a reasonable price for what they wanted. Someone mentioned looked at Rackham games as if recasts are why they went out of business. Because there truly is no real money in the miniatures business. My FLGS is not GW. But if we want to talk about greed; innefficient capital structures like the massive litigious company games workshop has become cant talk and the average human animal forced into a capitalistic system also cant be blamed. It's not illegal to buy them, though, just to . Only we can act effectively against miniature recasting! We are talking about recasts: illegal copies of miniatures. Games workshop not only wants lots of money for its live figures (5 euros for guardsman from krieg !, more than for metal ones!). We arent saying you shouldnt buy alternate versions of models that you can use in your tabletop games. As Alchemy said, they drive more new hobbyists away by doing it in this and inevitably lose out of profit in the long run. Reply . Virginia Restless, Miniature Painter & Cat Dad. Manage Settings Like any economic entity, they need to obey the law of supply and demand ACROSS their customer base. They were producing beautiful miniatures (crazy complicated game) but they were cut the margins too thinly. This would be paradoxal. A check of their website shows that it is indeed down, and from the looks of it not coming back. @Greg. As a former game store employee I will say this: the amount of players that get discouraged from even trying to enter the hobby because of GWs prices makes me sad (it is a lot). Also, these fake copies come without any instructions (as opposed to, of course, the original Forgeworld copy). When you create a community of over 200 players/painters from occident and another 300 mainlanders, manage to make an order form for let say greenstuff world for those 500 lads to get legit stuff, and you are being told : you guys are thief so no we wont deliver in China because we do not want to get copied While saying that to a European. I will always buy the original product when I can, but Im also going to buy high quality recasts for models that I need multiples of. @Italeri Games Workshop prices are high, but they are not massively greater than companies like Knight Models. You stole the rights to that model. You stole it. Whats the actual law being broken when trading for a recast model? The China Warhammer recaster known as CDR recently announced that they are: shutting down business for good and that a handful of people are buying all their master molds. Spikey Bits is a site about the hobby of tabletop wargaming. I would agree with most of the points expressed in the comments, that the moral analysis of recasting begins and ends at theft. Ive loved games workshops products for over 20 years now but im finding it harder and harder to justify spending so much on their productsespecially after they tried so hard to stop us here in australia finding cheaper prices overseas, ill continue to support gw by buying genuine products but im not going to pay the crazy prices they want is to pay here. No it is killing the cinema. This also amounts to stealing somebody elses work. The quality is just as good as forgeworld, sometimes you need to add a little greenstuff though but the same goes with forgeworld models. It tells me that they severely overprice their products for maximum GP about recast and i only found out recasts. Exacerbated by them constantly suing companies for IP infringement like the Spot the Spacemarine case only recently about and. 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z recaster catalogue 2019