what is the main idea of psalm 1?
It has turned aside from the Word as its authority and sufficient source for life and godliness. 4 The wicked are not so, But they are like chaff which the wind drives away. . The way of the righteous is contrasted with the way of the unrighteous. As I observe much of the church today, at first glance it looks like wheat, but on closer observation, it is often more like the chaff that the wind drives about with every wind of the various doctrines of man and the modernity of our secular society. d. And whatever he does shall prosper: It isnt that the righteous man has a Midas Touch, and everything he does makes him rich and comfortable. Psalm 1 is about the blessings of the righteous. This verb actually means to transplant, not merely plant. This is rich and significant. But it may also be taken as a strong contrast, i.e., but rather. Because of the construction of verse 1 with the emphasis on the negative, it introduces the reader to a strong contrast showing positively what the man of blessing does in contrast to verse 1, what he does not do. The one God, Maker and Ruler of all, will vindicate his goodness and justice in his own time. The way of the wicked perishes because they have left God out and even their temporal life loses real meaning and value. ii. This would also be a tree that is strong and stable, sinking down deep roots. Blessed is the man: The Hebrew word esher is here translated blessed, which has the idea of happiness or contentment. Walks notnor standsnor sits: The blessed man does not do certain things. We have covered the first four Psalms of Book V, Psalms 107 to 110. As to this life, the wicked, those who walk independently of God (believers or unbelievers), are driven about by the false counsel of the world, by satanic and human viewpoint (Eph. 1 A Miktam of David. The wicked are earthdwellers, those bent on getting all the gusto they can out of this life with little or no concern for God and eternity. The law, of course, refers to the Word of God. He does not just hear it and forget it; he thinks about it. This can be done by carefully thinking about each word and phrase, applying it to ones self, and praying it back to the Lord. The idea in this context is that of ability to withstand or endure the judgment of God. It came from an Arabic verb (a sister language) which meant to be mindful of, attentive to, and so it came to mean, keep, protect. When something delights us, we become preoccupied with it and we tend to protect and guard it. 1. If personal pleasure is the only thing that makes you happy, then you are a selfish, self-centered person. This judgment also comes at the end of the Tribulation and is carried out by Christ on earth. He will do it all by himself. This draws our attention to the doctrine of bibliology or the doctrines of revelation, inspiration, preservation, collection and canonization of the Bible, and illumination (2 Tim. 25:1-30). They are often identified with but.. Why? How can the Bible have such a stabilizing affect on a persons life? Have these people been going to church? To plant means to cause to take root, to become firmly established for the purpose of stability, nutrition (food and water), growth, and eventually production. 3:3), and though he is saved, he will experience serious consequences as we shall see in the material below. The righteous man does not have these signs of death and dryness; his leaves are green and alive. God has a path, and it is a good road to take. The main themes in 'A Psalm of Life' are living in the present and the meaning of life. Blessed is the man who. Who is a function word which introduces us to the person who is so blessed, one who has the qualities of life which lead to blessedness. Planted is a participle of the Hebrew verb sh`t~l. (3) Syntheticthe second line explains or further develops the idea of the first line (1:3; 95:3). My enemies will be glad if I slip. They need to be preaching and teaching the Scripture. Even tough circumstances bring forth something that shall prosper. How would you summarize the main point(s) and idea(s) of this psalm? He chose according to the viewpoint of the wicked. b. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. The man of blessedness is one who has determined to walk by the whole counsel of the Word, not by his emotions, experience, tradition, by popular opinion or by what is politically correct. His delight is in the law of the LORD: Throughout Psalms, the phrase law of the LORD is used to describe Gods entire word, not only the law portion of the first five books of the Bible. PSALM 1: This is a psalm that invites the reader to delight in and be devoted to God's word. The righteous man is delighted with the word of God! Way refers to lifes course or path. Then there is a~l, which expresses subjective or relative negation with an appeal to the will. The primary emphasis here is to the unbeliever, but there are definite applications to the believer both for this life and for eternity. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Who was King James' mom?, Who wrote the King James Bible?, In Psalm 23, what is God compared to? If not filled with the best things, it will be filled with the unworthy and disappointing. (Spurgeon). By position and context, the Hebrew is exclamatory. In its place has come (a) shorter and shorter topical sermons aimed more at self-fulfillment than biblical exposition, (b) pop-psychology, (c) entertainment in the form of drama and music, (d) more and more emphasis on music that gives an emotional bang for the sake of the emotions rather than music that focuses the heart on the person and work of God, i.e., sound biblical truth that may then stir the soul. 4 R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., Bruce K. Waltke, Theological Word Book of the Old Testament, Vol. Matt. Hebrew poetry repeats and rearranges thoughts rather than sounds. who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked. In essence, God says there are two ways of life open to us: one means blessedness, happiness, and fruitfulness, but the other means cursedness, unhappiness, and judgment. It draws the readers attention to both the uselessness of the wicked and to the ease with which God deals with them, like the wind that so easily picks up the chaff and blows it away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment: Because the ungodly have no weight, they will be found lacking on the day of judgment. Essentially, the services are man-centered rather than Bible-centered and God-centered. God knows our future, He made us and the whole world. I fear that this may be only the tip of a massive iceberg.6. He is easily influenced by the way of the world in its attitudes and actions, for actions follow attitudes. It means that God looks out for the righteous. Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. Blessing comes from growth in the plan of God through fellowship with Him and through the Word of God. 10:3-5; 119:53 with 54 and 119:155 with 165). We must choose to live not in the counsel of the ungodly (as verse 2 shows us), but live by the streams of water, the Word and Gods provision for learning it. When the main idea of a paragraph is stated, it is most often found in the first For the righteous (believers in Christ), there is Gods pre-vision, and so also Gods pro-vision so that even when they fail and sin, God has foreknown us and provided for us in the complete and finished work of Jesus Christ. The wicked (unbelievers) cant stand at the judgment and are separated and cast out because they are found without Gods righteousness. 4:14-20; John 4:37-38). It involves thinking about what Scripture means and how, when, and where it should be applied. a. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. 8, 19, 33, 65, 111, 104, 145, 147.: God the Redeemer. 5:11-13). The LORD knows the way of the righteous: The righteous can have peace because a loving God in heaven knows their way, and will protect and preserve them. The Cross And Unjust Suffering (1 Peter 2:19-25), 5. (2) The way of the godly is set forth by way of a contrast: negatively, what the godly do not do (1:1), and positively, what the godly do (1:2). All 150 psalms are poetic works which offer praise to God. 1:8). From thinking like the world we begin to act like the world. Truth God desires in the heart. 22:11-13). They have completely different sources for living, different purposes, different character, and very different results both temporally and eternally. Who was Psalm 23 written for? This confession was inspired by David's sins of adultery, deception, and even murder in his relationship with Bathsheba. Unlike the grain or actual seed, it has no body or substance and is blown about by the wind, always unstable. I will say to the Lord, My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. This must not be understood in the sense of legalistic obedience to a set of rules and principles, like a prescription or a formula, but in the sense of an obedience of faith that such a life brings to the one who believes the concepts of this passage. The main idea of a paragraph is the primary point or concept that the author wants to communicate to the readers about the topic. Very likely not. They teach us how little by little we can step out of the place of blessedness and into the place of misery and cursing with horrible consequences. 3:13-15, verse 15 uses the verb form of our word delight). The basis for this judgment is the Lords knowledge. There are five future judgments with regard to mankind: (1) The Judgment Seat of Christ, the Bema. What is it that pastors and elders ought to be doing? No matter what, God is always with us, comforts us, and brings us back to him when we wander. It means to stop, to be firm. From merely walking in their counsel, one becomes more confirmed in the way of the wicked, more involved and influenced. My dear friends, make the powerful Word the foundation of your life and ministry and get involved in ministries where the Word is truly the heart and soul of that church. Lament - 59; . Compare Psalm 37:6 and note the kind of prosperity God primarily has in mind (spiritual prosperity, discernment, and godly character). There are no barren trees in Gods orchard, and yet they may have their fits of barrenness, as an apple tree sometimes hath; but they will reflourish with advantage. (Trapp). Above all else, it summarizes all that is to follow in the rest of the Psalms, and, for that matter, in the rest of Scripture. The blessed man, his condition is happy or a . Whats also clear is that they have not been ordering their lives by the Word. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. The Cross And Separation From The World (1 Peter 4:1-6), 7. Psalm 1 The Way of the Righteous and the Way of the Ungodly. With verse 4 we come to a very strong contrast. The first part of the psalm David talks about God being his shepherd and he is the sheep. Our word P#l#G refers to canals or water courses provided for irrigation. He who acts by bad counsel may soon do evil deeds; and he who abandons himself to evil doings may end his life in total apostasy from God. (Clarke). It warns us how man is prone to turn aside little by little and become more and more entangled in the web of sin. But true spiritual strength comes from a long-term, established relationship with God in his Word (Hebrew 5:11ff; 1 Pet. The law of God Requires obedience of the heart. 2:8-9; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; Heb. Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, (2) Ones level of maturity (1 John 2:12, 13; Heb. Included in this word is the idea of restless activity. 11:25-27; 3:21f; 4:1f). It is also true in the present, because sinners sense they do not belong in the congregation of the righteous if they insist on remaining sinners. First, it means the righteous man knows how to discern the counsel of the ungodly. Psalm one shows us a clear distinction between the way of the righteous and the end of those who are ungodly. Chaff was light enough that it could be separated from the grain by throwing a scoopful into the wind and letting the wind drive away the chaff. a. b. . "Psalm" does not reflect concern about time's passage, while "Auspex" displays anxiety about it. A majority of the biblical psalms are devoted to expressing praise or thanksgiving to God. Because of the nature of the Bible as Gods inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word to man, and because of its total sufficiency to meet every need of a persons soul. 5:9-10). 4:10-11; Rom. But loose morals occur only because one was first negative to God; loose from Him, cut loose and excluded from a life with God and the control and stability that God brings into the lives of men when they have fellowship with Him. Perhaps Psalm 91, especially in these frightful times, is more of a call to fearlessly and trustingly live in the space of its first verse, to "dwell in the shelter of the Most High and abide in the shade of the Almighty. The word r`sh`u (wicked or unrighteous) is contrasted regularly with x#D#q (righteous or righteousness). Path speaks of a way, a road, a direction and the righteous man is not traveling in the same direction as sinners. 2005 MAIN IDEAS The main idea is the central, or most important, idea in a paragraph or passage. Like taking wild trees growing in barren and desert-like conditions and carefully transplanting them in rich prepared soil by streams of water. In His law he meditates day and night: The righteous man ponders the word of God. Here we see patterns forming and becoming entrenched. Psalm 8, for instance, is a communal or public declaration of praise to God for his relationship with creation. Past Gallup polls which compared the churched and unchurched showed there was basically no difference in the way they lived their lives. 5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, Nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. To transplant includes the above, of course, but it also includes taking a plant out of one environment and placing it into another which is more conducive to production, growth, and stability. 6:32; John 15:1f). What is the main idea of Psalm 13? 3:12f). When it involves indifference to heavenly treasure as believers, it means loss of rewards and a failure to use this life as partners with Him in His life and enterprise on earth. Since we are created in God's image . b. ii. 3:1-4). English verse manipulates sound, and emphasizes rhyme and meter. 1 a Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of b evildoers, nor does he walk in the way of sinners, nor sit in the chair of scoffers, 2 but in the a Jehovah's law is his b delight, and in his law c meditate day and night. In its season is literally in its time, i.e., at the proper, suitable time (Ps. The fruit comes naturally from this tree, because it is planted by the rivers of water. In each of these there is regression from Gods way and progression into sin and Satans way. Rejection of Christ and His Word means no provision for eternity. 104:27). Note, how blessed is the man who The article specifies a certain kind of man, the man who obeys the actions of this passage.. But we must, in the practical application of this, personally respond to His plan. In fact, in Hebrew the word is actually a plural, which denotes either a multiplicity of blessings or an intensification of them. (Boice), ii. i. (3) There are three degrees of evil that result: wicked / sinners / scoffers. God gives him peace and rest because he can trust Him. Two great thrusts flow out of this: (a) the importance and absolute necessity of the Scripture, and (b) the changed character, stability, and fruitfulness it promises to those who make Scripture the core of their lives. (d) By listening to the Word proclaimed, but then ignoring it. But it is wrong, because we are then sitting in the seat of the scornful. It is abiding in a life-source. This does not mean there is never adversity or failure. But his delight is in This statement is emphatic in two ways: by the fact it is a nominal clause (no finite verb), and by the word order. By streams of water continues to paint this picture for us. Psalm 1 describes personal integrity, indicating that this is how every reader should live. i. There is no peace, says my God, for the wicked.. As one reflects back on this wonderful introductory Psalm, it is clear that the central issue is Gods awesome and holy Word, the Scripture. As far as the believers fruitfulness is concerned, this means studying and becoming prepared to serve in special ways according to ones gifts and Gods timing (compare Moses, Paul and Christ). Man must have some delight, some supreme pleasure. 17:6). Its subject matter is very general and basic, but it touches on two subjects that continually occur throughout the Psalms. ; Book 2 - Psalms 42-72 - Like Exodus, this book describes ruin, and rescue by God. Gesenius, the great lexicographer, says it originally meant to bend, incline toward, so it includes the ideas of desire, pleasure, inclination, satisfaction. It is a term for positive volition. Being like a tree is of course a metaphor, a picture. Remember this is Gods Word and every jot and every tittle are important. George Whitefield, the great eighteenth-century evangelist, was hounded by a group of detractors who called themselves the Hell-fire Club. They derided his work and mocked him. Transplanted is a passive participle. 4 The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply; their drink offerings of blood I . a. T/F Psalm 137 was written by David. (4) Gods own special blessing and use of our gifts (1 Cor. Eph. Note how these three verses in Ephesians parallel Psalm 1:1: 17 This I say therefore, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind. How much fruit each tree yields depends on several factors: (1) The filling of the Holy Spirit or the abiding life (John 15:1-7; Gal. One is reminded of Pauls statement in 2 Timothy 2:19-20. ii. Applications of this principle for the New Testament believer are multiplied ad infinitum both positionally (Eph. But are like the chaff which the wind drives away. Instead, we should be proud to follow Jesus Christ. If a person delights in something, you dont have to beg him to do it or to like it. What does Psalm 23 say? The main idea may be stated or it may be implied. 17:5-8). 2 I say to the LORD, "You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you." 3 As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight. The psalmist (traditionally, King David) expresses the joy of being released from great suffering. Streams is P#l#G from P*l^G and means to divide, split. The word was used of cutting a water channel for irrigation, or of the land divided by rivers, ravines, and streams. By-in-large, the wicked live primarily for this life. 4:13). 103:13; Matt. 4:14), by the lust patterns of their own hearts (Eph. One of the reasons Scripture is a delight, like honey in the honey comb, is because it is truth. Verse 4 uses loa, the negative particle of absolute negation. I will sing to Jehovah, for he has done me much good. Which way are you on? Our own conscience, our own mind, our own heart, can give us ungodly counsel. Some say the genres are like prayers. Chaff is the seed covering and the debris separated from the grain or seed in threshing. Later he wrote, preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with great patience and instruction, and then he quickly warned, For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths (2 Tim. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. Lesson 1: Psalm 1 and Psalm 19 Reading: 1. This refers to the judgment of all unbelieving dead or those raised in the resurrection for judgment (see John 5:29). God has given us His Word that we might become fruitful trees in His service and in ministry to others. So, how can we avoid this? Primarily they are unstable, blown about from pillar to post because they have no spiritual roots in the Word of God (cf. 17). They need to wait until they bring forth fruit in its season. Psalm 91:1 We may not always see it, or feel it, we might forget it's there at times, or even wonder if He's left us to fend for ourselves in the heat of hard situations of life. 4:1-4). 2 R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., Bruce K. Waltke, Theological Word Book of the Old Testament, Vol. READING - Main Ideas Rev. The ungodly are not so: Everything true about the righteous man stable as a tree, continual life and nourishment, fruitful, alive, and prosperous is not so regarding the ungodly. The research efforts of Gallup, Barna, and Hunter all indicate that evangelicals are, for the most part, as secular in their orientation as non-Christians. It also means being prepared to bear fruit when opportunity knocks (2 Tim. 72) in spite of life's tremendous difficulties ( Ps. The purpose of the Tribulation judgments is to purge out the rebels and bring Israel to the Messiah. Book 1 - Psalms 1-41 - The five divisions correspond roughly to the five books of Moses. The ungodly are not so, There is loa, which expresses absolute emphatic negation. But what are these in general? 1. This first Psalm stands as a kind of introduction to the rest of the Psalms. The meaning of Psalm 1 can be found in the opening verse which paints a clear image of the power of choices and the results of those choices. While genuine believers cannot lose their salvation, there is the danger of living like the unrighteous (the wicked) in carnal indifference, perhaps very religious, but out of fellowship with God. It means to mock, deride, ridicule, scoff. Grammatically, it is a participle of habitual action. Christians should meditate on Gods word! Verse 1 BLESSED IS THE MAN WHO WALKS NOT IN THE COUNSEL OF THE WICKED NOR STAND IN THE WAY OF SINNERS. Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. The word translated blessed is also translated "happy." It is the idea of gaining great fortune. The way of the ungodly shall perish: The way of the ungodly leads to destruction. 5:1-11; 2 Thess. On the surface, this verse looks like a simple statement of David. The wicked. This is a key word in the Psalms. It celebrates individuality and the expression of emotion. The righteous cannot perish because they are in both the hand of the Father and in the hand of His Son, the Lord Jesus (John 10:28-30). Only those (both Jews and Gentiles) who have the robe of Christs righteousness because of their faith in Christ can stand before Gods throne. He operates in the sphere of Gods enablement, supply, and direction (Ps. He/she is a person of the Scriptures. In New Testament times we have pastors or elders who are to teach as well as other teachers (Eph. 1:22 with 29-33). Psalm 51:6 (show verse) Homicide David's repentance for, and confession of, the murder of uriah. (c) 2020 The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik ewm@enduringword.com. God often engineers failure as mirrors of reproof and instruments of growth. We saw in verse 1 that one of the basic ideas of this word was to be loose or unstable, and so it means to be loose ethically. 6 Gary W. Johnson, The Coming Evangelical Crisis, John H. Armstrong, General Editor, Moody Press, Chicago, 1996, p. 61. Note again the recurring biblical principle: First the root, then fruit. (1) There are three degrees of habit or conduct: walk / stand / sit. This verse flatly and absolutely denies any correspondence of the characteristics and life of the wicked with the righteous. Like the Hebrew language itself, Hebrew poetry uses vivid images, similes, and metaphors to communicate thoughts and feelings. If being with your family or friends delights you, that can be better, but it still falls short. (4) Judgment of living Gentiles (Mat. This is why Christ had to die for our sin so we might have His righteousness. 54:12, precious, delightful stones, and Mal. i. 12:33-34). Stand is the Hebrew u`m~D. That brings forth its fruit in its season, Martin Luther said that he could not live in paradise without the word of God, but he could live well enough in hell with it. By the sound of the words, the Hebrew has a play on these words which drive this home. Note that that quality which characterizes the life of the blessed above everything else which could be mentioned is ones relationship to the Word of God (Ps. 3:18). Nederlandstalige Bijbelstudies door Stan Marinussen, Copyright - Enduring Word | . (1) There is the way of the godly and their blessedness in contrast to the way of the ungodly (1:1-6). 14:10-11; 1 Cor. Just as one would read the love letters of his or her sweetheart, so are we to read and study Gods Word with the same delight. 2:7-9; Ps. The genres in Psalms identify and group the books by the main idea of the psalm. e. Nor sits in the seat of the scornful: The scornful love to sit and criticize the people of God and the things of God. 1 How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! Psalm 51 is a renowned expression of repentance. But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart will rejoice in your salvation. See answer (1) Best Answer. Time, i.e., but it is a participle of the wicked live primarily for this.. Life loses real meaning and value ) judgment of God here is to purge out the rebels bring!, 33, 65, 111, 104, 145, 147. God... 1 Peter 4:1-6 ), 7 and in ministry to others central or! Develops the idea of gaining great fortune and psalm 19 Reading: 1 is... 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